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Places visited in Galena, Illinois
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Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin

Chateau Hutter

Built by an accountant with a dream of running a grand resort, this estate has sat vacant for over half a century.
Sister Bay, Wisconsin

Al Johnson’s Swedish Restaurant

Restaurant in Northern Wisconsin comes with a unique feature: a grassy roof covered in living goats.
Peoria, Illinois

Uniroyal Gal

This rare female version of the Muffler Man has its clothes removed each summer to signal the start of pool season.
Winnipeg, Manitoba

Trappist Monastery

The ruins of a burned-down monastery have become a serene park and community space. 
Winnipeg, Manitoba

Fort Gibraltar

The intense competition of the 19th-century fur trading industry played out at this fort in Western Canada.
Brussels, Belgium

Manneken Pis

A little sculpture with a large wardrobe.
Luxembourg, Luxembourg

Bock Casemates

An expansive complex of subterranean tunnels is all that remains of one of Europe's most formidable medieval fortresses.
Esch-sur-Sûre, Luxembourg

Esch-sur-Sûre Castle

Once the local rulers had gone these enchanting ruins housed common folk in an almost real life fairy tale.
Paris, France

Paris Padlocks of Love

The celebrated eyesore created by starry-eyed sweethearts.
Natzwiller, France


Today this former Nazi concentration camp stands as a poignant memorial to the victims of fascism, and a warning from history.
Colmar, France

Museum of Natural History and Ethnography

A charming little museum founded by the designer of the Statue of Liberty.
Paris, France

Mascarons of Pont Neuf

If you look closely at the oldest bridge in Paris, you might notice hundreds of ugly faces leering from its sides.
Cluny, France

Abbaye de Cluny (Cluny Abbey)

One of the most powerful religious centers in the Middle Ages, dubbed the founder of Western monasticism.
Strasbourg, France

Strasbourg Cathedral's Antique Graffiti

Visitors dating back to the 1600s carved their marks in the stones of the iconic tower.
Strasbourg, France

Stained-Glass Demons

Explore this medieval cathedral by trying to spot all the malevolent monsters hiding in its beautifully colored windows.
Colleville-sur-Mer, France

Normandy American Cemetery and Memorial

A memorial to the nearly 10,000 American soldiers laid to rest on the beaches of Normandy during WWII.
Strasbourg, France

Historic Wine Cellar of Strasbourg Hospital

This 14th century wine cellar is home to the oldest barrel-stored wine in the world.
Paris, France

Musée Marmottan Monet

Former hunting lodge of a duke who was an avid collector of impressionist works.
Paris, France

Pont de la Concorde

This bridge was constructed from the rubble of the infamous Bastille.
Vers-Pont-du-Gard, France

Pont du Gard

This ancient Roman bridge and aqueduct still stands as a wonder of classical construction.
Lyon, France

Ancient Roman Theaters of Lyon

Lyon, France is home to two remarkably preserved Roman theaters, one dating back to 15 BCE.
Lyon, France

Astronomical Clock of Lyon

For hundreds of years, automatons moving to metallic music have been marking the passage of time.
Paris, France

Fountain of Innocents

A 16th-century fountain marks the site of a lost medieval cemetery once filled with mass graves.
Carcassonne, France

La Cité Médiévale de Carcassonne

Historic medieval fortified city in southwest France.