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Cambridge, Massachusetts

O'Reilly Spite House

This is the house that spite built.
Boston, Massachusetts

Bunker Hill Monument

This monument on Breed's Hill proves that one of the most famous battles of the Revolutionary War is misnamed.
Boston, Massachusetts

Original Wharf at Massachusetts General Hospital

Around 160 years ago, this spot marked the location of a wharf along the shores of the Charles River.
Boston, Massachusetts

The Ether Dome

19th-century operating theatre in which the use of ether was first demonstrated - plus, a skeleton and a mummy!
Cambridge, Massachusetts

Longfellow House

One of America's most historic homes also holds a startling literary legacy.
Cambridge, Massachusetts

Site of the First Transcontinental Call

This plaque commemorates the call between Alexander Graham Bell and Thomas A. Watson.
Cambridge, Massachusetts

Blaschka Glass Flowers

Impossibly life-like natural history models created out of glass by a father and son.
Cambridge, Massachusetts

Collection of Historical Scientific Instruments Mark I

This massive World War II calculator hearkens back to the days when "computer" was a job title.
Cambridge, Massachusetts

Harvard Divinity School Labyrinth

This hidden labyrinth offers walkers some brief peace of mind.
Somerville, Massachusetts

Charles William Jr. House

This Massachusetts home was the first to have a telephone line and its own phone number: 1.
Lincoln, Massachusetts


No one really knows how these old hobby horses got here, but the herd keeps growing.
Concord, Massachusetts

Walden Pond

"the sweltering inhabitants of Charleston and New Orleans, of Madras and Bombay and Calcutta, drink at my well . . . The pure Walden water is mingled with the sacred water of the Ganges."
Concord, Massachusetts

Orchard House

Louisa May Alcott based “Little Women” on her experiences growing up in this house with her sisters.
Concord, Massachusetts

The Old Manse

The poems Nathaniel Hawthorne and his wife Sophia etched into its windows are still visible today.
Concord, Massachusetts

Paul Revere Lantern

One of two lighted lanterns hung in the church belfry on the eve of the Revolutionary War to warn that the British were on their way.
Concord, Massachusetts

The Wright Tavern

The Wright Tavern is possibly the most important building in Concord Massachusetts to the American Revolution.