coolwaterlily2's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Odense, Denmark

Professor Labris Plads (Professor Labri Square)

A quirky, larger than life sculpture on an old bunker pays tribute to an eccentric carnival entertainer.
Sherborn, Massachusetts

Emily the Cow Statue

Dedicated to a local cow who escaped a slaughterhouse and became an international symbol of peace.
Hanoi, Vietnam

Bánh Cuốn Bà Xuân

This steamed rice crepe specialist has been rolling up its namesake dish for over 30 years.
Hamura, Japan

Gonokami Maimaizu Well

Originally built circa 13-14th century, this “snail well” was a resourceful means to draw water in a region where the soil was mostly loam.
Noratus, Armenia


Hundreds of intricately carved Armenian stone crosses can be found within this huge cemetery.
Warsaw, Poland

Oberża Pod Czerwonym Wieprzem

Order “Proletariat’s Cutlet” at this communist-themed restaurant allegedly once visited by Lenin.
Brest, Belarus

Kafe Gagarin

Take Soviet nostalgia to new heights by toasting the first man in space over a full spread of Belarusian and Soviet fare.
Washington, D.C.

Lincoln Memorial Undercroft

A cavernous three-story, 43,800-square-foot basement that was forgotten about for 60 years.
Kyiv, Ukraine

Peeing Colors in Kyiv

When you've got to go, you've got to go.
Lviv, Ukraine

Giant Crossword of Lviv

World's largest crossword puzzle spans the side of a towerblock, its clues scattered throughout the city.
Kolomyya, Ukraine

Pysanka Museum

Welcome to the world's only museum dedicated to the Ukranian Easter egg.
Kyiv, Ukraine

Museum of Unnecessary Things

A Kyiv-based repository for all manners of discarded curiosities.
Kyiv, Ukraine

Kyiv Monastery of the Caves and Microminiature Museum

This 1000 year old relic-filled cave monastery and UNESCO World Heritage Site also hosts an amazing micro-miniature museum.
Kamianets'-podil's'kyi, Ukraine

Kamianets-Podilskyi Castle

This Ukranian fortress is one of the best-preserved medieval castles in Europe.
Kyiv, Ukraine

Holodomor Victims Memorial

The haunting complex honors the millions of Ukrainians who died in the forced famine under Soviet rule.
Kyiv, Ukraine

Kyiv Crematorium

This oddly shaped building is a surprising Soviet-era crematorium.
Lviv, Ukraine

Lychakiv Cemetery

Monumental sculptures guard many of the graves, transforming this necropolis into an open-air fine art museum.
Kyiv, Ukraine

Sarcophagus of Prince Yaroslav the Wise

The medieval prince founded the first library in Ukraine at Saint Sophia's Cathedral where he was interred.
Odessa, Ukraine

Potemkin Stairs

Featured in one of the most iconic scenes in cinema history.
Vinnytsia, Ukraine

Roshen Fountain

The spectacular Roshen Fountain show lights up the night sky all summer long, until it "hibernates" under the ice waiting for spring to come.
Lviv, Ukraine

Citadel Inn

A fortress built to pacify local uprising that had a stint as a Nazi concentration camp before becoming a five-star hotel.
Kyiv, Ukraine


Kyiv's answer to Muscle Beach is a Soviet-era gym made from scrap metal.
Kyiv, Ukraine

Kyiv Institute of Information

This exquisite, alienesque piece of Soviet architecture is being threatened by modern shopping malls.
Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine

Pip Ivan Observatory

Remains of a station that only operated for one year.