1just4looks's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Bonne Terre, Missouri
Places edited in Bonne Terre, Missouri
Places visited in Cawker City, Kansas
Places visited in Wilson, Kansas
Places edited in Lucas, Kansas
Places edited in Jemez Springs, New Mexico
Jemez Springs, New Mexico

Jemez Historic Site

Once a year, the ruins of an ancient village come alive with hundreds of glowing farolitos.
Cimarron, New Mexico

Statue of Lucien B. Maxwell

An unconventional monument to one of America's largest landowners.
Jemez Pueblo, New Mexico

Walatowa Slot Canyon

A beautiful red-faced slot canyon in northern New Mexico.
Jemez Springs, New Mexico

Jemez Springs Soda Dam

The 7,000-year-old calcium carbonate formation creates a magnificent natural bridge.
Taos, New Mexico

Tiwa Kitchen

Taos Pueblo recipes, foraged ingredients, and outdoor ovens define the menu at this eatery.
Bloomfield, New Mexico

Ah-Shi-Sle-Pah Wilderness Study Area

The land is full of geologic eye candy, such as otherworldly spires, mushroom-shaped hoodoos, and prehistoric fossils.
Lucas, Kansas

Bowl Plaza

This artsy public restroom is shaped like a giant john.
Santa Fe, New Mexico

House of Eternal Return

An immersive environment that is part haunted house, part choose-your-own-adventure, and part jungle gym.
Shiprock, New Mexico


Legends surround this jagged rock formation in the New Mexico desert.
Topeka, Kansas


These elevated trucks were put in place as a middle finger to The Man, but are now considered folk art.
Farmington, New Mexico

Bisti Badlands

Seemingly grown on some other world, these New Mexico rock formations look like a disused science fiction set.
Montezuma, New Mexico

Dwan Light Sanctuary

A futuristic temple of light uses prisms and rainbows to create an atmosphere of peace.
Hutchinson, Kansas

Strataca, The Kansas Underground Salt Museum

Home to Hollywood history and a very special salt crystal.
Boys Town, Nebraska

World's Largest Ball of Stamps

An idle pastime becomes a record holder in Boys Town, Nebraska.
Bonne Terre, Missouri

The Space Museum

A museum dedicated to man's boldest venture.
Lebanon, Kansas

Geographic Center of the Contiguous United States

Small plaque marks the spot, but the true center is located about half a mile away on a private pig farm.
Lucas, Kansas

The Garden of Eden

Self-built house and sculpture park where the creator can still be seen in a glass coffin.