3Lives's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Monterey, California
Places visited in Big Sur, California
Places visited in Wells, Nevada
Places visited in Carmel-by-the-Sea, California
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San Francisco, California

Fort Point

Beneath the southern end of the Golden Gate Bridge is the “Gibraltar of the West Coast,” a fort built to protect the San Francisco Bay from naval attack.
Redwood City, California

The Buddha of 101

A giant statue perched on dumpsters watches over the freeway.
Monterey, California

Colton Hall Museum

The stately birthplace of California's statehood.
Monterey, California

Doc Ricketts Memorial

Fake rail crossings mark the site of an influential doctor's demise.
Carmel-by-the-Sea, California

Carmelite Monastery

For almost 100 years, this site of peace and spirituality has existed on the California coast.
Eureka, California

Duluwat Island Plaque

A simple plaque remembers a California island massacre that claimed more than 100 lives.
Martinez, California

John Muir's Giant Sequoia

A sparse, solitary sequoia still stands as a living tribute to the famous conservationist who planted it—but it's dying.
Carmel-by-the-Sea, California

Whalers Cabin Museum

This cabin from the 1850s is one of the first structures built by Chinese immigrants in California.
Monterey, California

Monterey's Old Whaling Station

An old whaling station now serves to give the public a look at the commercial whaling industry, no longer a part of Monterey's economy.
San Diego, California

Balboa Park Botanical Building and Lily Pond

Built for an exposition in 1915, these horticultural displays have stood the test of time.
Oroville, California

Mother Orange Tree

The oldest orange tree in California spawned a generation of citrus farmers.
Monterey, California

Doc Ricketts' Lab

Steinbeck's old stomping grounds, immortalized in Cannery Row.
Los Angeles, California

Mt. Hollywood Tunnel

This nondescript tunnel has been featured in a number of iconic movies, from “Roger Rabbit” to “Back to the Future.”
San Francisco, California

Golden Gate Park Nursery

San Francisco’s condensed garden of incredible plant growth.
Torrance, California

Torrance High School

One of California's oldest continually used high schools has an interesting history, both on and off screen.
Monterey, California

Casa del Oro

The first safe in this California town had to hold all the gold.
Ukiah, California

City of 10,000 Buddhas

One of the largest Buddhist communities in the West sits on the site of an old hospital.
Monterey, California

Monterey's Custom House

The oldest U.S. Government building in California, and it's State Historic Landmark #1.
Shandon, California

James Dean Memorial Junction

A remote crossroads honoring a fallen talent.
Monterey, California

Dennis the Menace Playground

This municipal playground was co-created by the father of one of the most playful characters ever.
Oroville, California


Home of what was the largest hydraulic mine in the world, producing gold and the first diamonds in the U.S.
Arcata, California

Kinetic Grand Championship

Humboldt's human-powered sculptures race across land and sea for days on end in a wacky quest for dominance.
Crescent City, California

St. George Reef Lighthouse

A lighthouse built to save lives that took quite a few with its treacherous location.
Moss Landing, California

Elkhorn Slough

More than 700 species live within this murky marvel of a swamp on California's coast.