jhille98's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Charleston, Newfoundland and Labrador

Trinity Loop

An abandoned amusement park hints at the twisted history of the Newfoundland Railway.
Havana, Cuba

Bacardi Building

After the Cuban Revolution, the famous rum company had to leave their swanky headquarters behind.
Havana, Cuba

Callejon de Hamel

A colorful narrow alley in Cuba is full of street art and sculptures made of found objects.
Havana, Cuba

La Plaza de la Revolución

A focal point of the Cuban government, this city square features one of the most iconic images in the country.
Havana, Cuba

Colón Cemetery

In terms of history and architecture, this is one of the most remarkable cemeteries in the world.
Bratislava, Slovakia


A cableway for car transport.
Bratislava, Slovakia

Most SNP

This Slovak bridge is known both for its connection to a national uprising and its UFO-shaped eatery.
Bratislava, Slovakia

Cumil the Sewer Worker

This Slovakian statue of an emerging sewer worker might just be a bronze peeping tom.
Prague, Czechia

The Old Wastewater Treatment Plant Stará čistírna

One of the oldest, well-preserved water treatment facilities in all of Europe.
Prague, Czechia


Straight out of a nightmare, barcode-faced babies climb up and down Prague's television tower.
Prague, Czechia

Velvet Revolution Monument

Nine bronze hands protruding from a wall honor the student uprising that led to the fall of Czechoslovakia's Communist government.
Prague, Czechia

Squat Milada

A former squatter's paradise outside Prague.
Prague, Czechia

Jan Palach Memorial

Monument to a suicide protesting the Soviet invasion.
Prague, Czechia

Memorial to the Victims of Communism

Increasingly decayed figures stand as a powerful reminder of the human costs of Czech Communism.
Prague, Czechia

Žižkov Tower

Looming communist pillar with a Czech twist.
Prague, Czechia


An Orwellian sculpture with eyeball cameras watches passersby.
Prague, Czechia

Museum of Miniatures

Microscopic scenes; some call it novelty, some call it art.
Prague, Czechia

Old New Synagogue

Synagogue built from the stones of Solomon's temple contains the golem of Prague.
Prague, Czechia

Gulliver Airship

What looks like a crashed Zeppelin is actually a bright, airy reading room perched atop a modern museum.
Prague, Czechia

Statue of King Wenceslas Riding an Upside-Down Dead Horse

A mocking tribute to the past and modern leadership of Prague.
Prague, Czechia

Hlava Franze Kafky (Franz Kafka's Head)

A bust of Franz Kafka spins in pieces, reflecting the writer's inner torment.
Prague, Czechia


The risqué mixed-media sculptures are supposedly a metaphor for Czech politics.
Prague, Czechia

Man Hanging Out

What looks like a suicide in progress is actually a statue of Sigmund Freud.
Prague, Czechia

Tančící dům - Dancing House of Prague

This tipsy office building in downtown Prague was originally called “Fred and Ginger.”