beezbapho's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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San Francisco, California

The Walt Disney Family Museum

Inside this museum, the history of the Walt Disney Family empire is on full display.
San Francisco, California

Monarch the Bear

The taxidermied remains of the "last wild grizzly bear in California" and of the symbol of the state of California.
San Francisco, California

AIDS Interfaith Memorial Chapel

The first AIDS memorial chapel in San Francisco and one of only a few in the U.S.
San Francisco, California

Jack's Record Cellar

This surreptitious shop is only open five hours per week.
San Francisco, California

Circus Center

Join the circus for a few lessons to learn clowning, acrobatics, and Chinese contortion.
San Francisco, California

Janis Joplin Tree

A famous alternative culture epicenter and where Joplin serenaded young hippies.
San Francisco, California

Golden Gate Fortune Cookie Company

One of the oldest producers of hand-folded fortune cookies still uses its original secret recipe.
San Francisco, California

Free Gold Watch

This print shop boasts one of the largest pinball arcades in San Francisco.
San Francisco, California

Hotel Vertigo

A historic hotel that made a cameo in Hitchcock's classic film has no intention of letting guests forget its fame.
San Francisco, California

The 'Full House' House

This private residence was the template for one of the most beloved television homes of all time.
San Francisco, California

Church of 8 Wheels

This 19th-century church is now a popular roller rink.
San Francisco, California

Encryption Lava Lamps

The randomness of this wall of lava lamps helps encrypt up to 10 percent of the internet.
San Francisco, California

Musée Mécanique

A collection of 20th-century automata, penny arcade games, and musical contraptions.
San Francisco, California

The Pirate Supply Store at 826 Valencia

An essential stop before plundering, BYO Cutlass.
San Francisco, California

Paxton Gate

A shop full of natural curiosities, carnivorous plants, and costumed taxidermied mice.
San Francisco, California

Camera Obscura & Holograph Collection

A walk-in working camera obscura produces 360-degree live images of the San Francisco coast.
San Francisco, California

Mescaline Grove

A favorite haunt of dinosaur loving children and hallucinogen loving hippies alike.
San Francisco, California

Institute of Illegal Images

A museum befitting the city responsible for supplying the majority of the world's LSD.
San Francisco, California

Japanese Tea Garden

Relics of the 1894 Midwinter Exposition continue to delight visitors today.
San Francisco, California

Peephole Cinema

A tiny theater hidden in an alley plays a constant stream of short silent films for anyone willing to peer through the peephole.
San Francisco, California

Secret Tiled Staircase

An artsy hidden staircase leads to breathtaking views of San Francisco.
San Francisco, California

Magowan's Infinite Mirror Maze

A psychedelic labyrinth on the San Francisco bay.
San Francisco, California

The Wave Organ

A huge musical instrument played by the ocean.
Austin, Texas

Peter Pan Mini-Golf

Roadside Americana, fairy tale characters, and Austin quirkiness come together at this magical course in the heart of Texas' capital city.