tomvopstal's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Norfolk, England

The Devil's Punchbowl

A mysterious crater-like pond has a spooky tendency to empty and fill with complete disregard to rainfall patterns.
Hunstanton, England

Wreck of the Steam Trawler Sheraton

All that remains of the fishing-vessel-turned-warship is its weathered hull.
Norfolk, England

SS Vina Shipwreck

The wreckage of an old coastal trading vessel is only visible at low tide.
Fulmodeston, England

The Ruins of St. Mary's Church

In the quiet village of Fulmodestion, the ruins of a medieval church remain hidden among vines and foliage.
Thursford, England

Thursford Collection

A large collection of steam engines, organs, and fairground attractions.
Norwich, England

Norwich Castle Museum

This medieval castle is filled with an eccentric collection that ranges from ancient Egyptian artifacts to taxidermy to a mummified hand that was cut off during a duel.
Norwich, England

Norwich Keyboard

This imprint of an old computer keyboard has a unique backstory.
Blythburgh, England

The Devil's Fingerprints

A legendary ghostly hound supposedly left dark marks on a place of worship.
Dunwich, England

The Lost Town of Dunwich

A village on the east coast of England that has almost completely eroded into the North Sea.
Covehithe, England

Ruins of St Andrew's Covehithe

A 17th-century church is nestled within the walls of a 15th-century ruin.
East Somerton, England

The Witch's Leg at St Mary's Church

A witch wreaks ruinous revenge on this ancient church with her "enchanted leg."