liamgarraway2016's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Mountain Pass, California

Mountain Pass Mine

The only mine for rare earth elements in the United States has been intermittently active since the 1950s.
Bihać, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Garavice Memorial Park

A forgotten and crumbling Yugoslav monument to the victims of fascism.
Kragujevac, Serbia

Šumarice Memorial Park

Abstract monuments express sorrow and resilience at the site of a horrific massacre in Nazi-occupied Serbia.
Jabuka, Serbia

Stratište Memorial Complex

An abandoned monument remembering the "Pančevo Holocaust" now stands as a shadow of its former self.
Kruševac, Serbia

Slobodište Memorial Park

Curious carved stones and bird-like wings are a symbol of Serbian resilience and freedom on the site of a WWII massacre.
Morrison, Colorado

Dinosaur Ridge

See 150 million-year-old dinosaur tracks and bones dating back to the Jurassic period.
Minyirr, Australia

Gantheaume Point

Spectacular rock formations host dinosaur footprints and an old hydrotherapy pool.
East Windsor, Connecticut

The Bones from the Well

A replica of fossils believed to be the first scientifically-described dinosaur bones found in North America.
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

Gettysburg Dinosaur Tracks

Long before the Battle of Gettysburg occurred, dinosaurs roamed the area and left their footprints on this bridge.

Changi Jurassic Mile

A dinosaur-laden walking trail outside Singapore's Changi Airport.
Ballandean, Australia

Ballandean Dinosaur

Originally made for a fruit festival in the area in 1998 this was then erected outside the railway station and is now one of Australia’s iconic “Big Things” right at the side of the highway.
Kanna, Japan

Sebayashi Ripple Marks

Fifty-odd dinosaur footprints are preserved on this strip of mountain cliff along with ancient ripple marks.
Plant City, Florida

Dinosaur World

Nearly 200 prehistoric giants lurk among the trees at this theme park.
Sop Tia, Thailand

Wat Mok Khan Lan, Chom Thong Town (Temple of the Dinosaurs)

A unique Buddhist temple with strange statues, beehives, and dinosaurs.
Hill City, South Dakota

Museum at Black Hills Institute

One of the largest private collections of fossils in the world.
Raurimu, New Zealand

Raurimu Rex

A life-sized statue of a Tyrannosaurus rex made out of driftwood.
Wembley, Alberta

Philip J. Currie Dinosaur Museum

Alberta's Pipestone Creek Bonebed is one of the densest fossil sites in the world. This nearby museum showcases some of the best finds from its "river of death."
Apple Valley, California

Dinosaur Mini Golf Ruins

Built in the early 70s, the ruins of dinosaurs are all that remains of a man’s dream to build a free dinosaur themed mini golf course
Williams, Arizona


This small museum is dedicated to the study of coprolites, or fossilized poop.
Bromölla, Sweden


These life-sized mosaic reptiles, crafted using ceramics from a local toilet factory, link the town's industrial heritage with its prehistoric past.
Fruita, Colorado

Dinosaur Journey Museum

Explore a wealth of fossils in one of the most prolific dig sites in North America.
Akron, Iowa

Warty Willy the Stegosaurus

This 'terrible lizard' was one of the world's first animatronic dinosaurs.
Springfield, Missouri

Dragon Rock

Creativity is far from extinct in Missouri, and this painted dinosaur is no exception!
Henderson, Nevada

Dinosaur House

A retired schoolteacher in suburban Nevada transformed his front yard into a paleontological menagerie.