devynpratt53's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Saratoga Springs, New York

Petrified Sea Garden

The first evidence of some of the Earth's earliest life was found in this fossilized undersea grotto.
Stowe, Vermont

Emily’s Bridge

This New England covered bridge is home to the tale of a jilted lover known to haunt the area.
Bellerose, New York

Queens County Farm Museum

The oldest continuously operating farm in New York State.
Oyster Bay, New York

Raynham Hall Museum

Spies, love letters, and ghost stories have all left their mark on this home-cum-museum.
Gilboa, New York

Gilboa Fossils

This Catskills museum preserves stumps from the earliest known fossil forest on Earth.
Blasdell, New York

Penn Dixie Fossil Park

More than 350 million years ago, western New York was covered in a vast sea. Today, you can dig up the remains of the plants and animals that lived there.
Orient, New York

Plum Island Animal Disease Center

A tiny islet just off Long Island offers a wealth of infectious curiosities.
Sanborn, New York

Native American Museum of Art

This overlooked gem outside Niagara Falls preserves and celebrates Iroquois culture.
Brooklyn, New York

The Bone Museum

This museum dedicated to the history of the medical bone trade and human osteology.
New York, New York

Kuih Café

All of the Malaysian sweets at this shop are made daily with a whole lot of love.
Ithaca, New York

Ice Age Glacial Exhibit

This exhibit allows visitors to wander through the interior of a replica Ice Age glacial cave.
New York, New York

Strecker Memorial Laboratory

Site of the first pathological and bacteriological research facility in the United States.
Chippewa Bay, New York

Singer Castle

This island castle contains enough secret passageways to support a season of Scooby-Doo episodes.
Hancock, New York

Delaware Delicacies Smokehouse

At this small shop off a dirt road in the forest, the specialty is eel the owner caught and smoked himself.
New York, New York

Wild Bird Fund

New York City's only wildlife rehabilitation center treats more than 3,000 feathered and furry patients each year.
Centerport, New York

Vanderbilt Museum

An eccentric playboy's astounding natural history collection.
Rochester, New York

Warner Castle

This New York estate was designed to resemble a medieval Scottish castle.
Honeoye Falls, New York

Fairy Houses of Mendon Ponds Park

An unassuming nature trail winds through dozens of tiny houses built for the wee people.
Queens, New York

Khampa Kitchen

Chefs from Tibet's Kham region offer steaming meat pies and noodle soups in this nook behind a jewelry store.
New York, New York

New York City Fire Museum

A museum collection honoring the long history of the FDNY is held in a disused Manhattan fire house.
Brooklyn, New York

Taste the Tropics USA

In Little Caribbean, an ice-cream shop serves up regional flavors, including soursop, Irish moss, and "greatnut."
Romulus, New York

Seneca White Deer

World's largest herd of white deer populate a former U.S. Army depot.
Fayetteville, New York

Green Lakes State Park

Surprisingly aquamarine waters fill deep lakes formed at the end of the last ice age.
Smyrna, New York

Wolf Mountain Nature Center

See wolves, coyotes, and arctic foxes in a natural environment smack in the middle of New York State.