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The Acropolis of this little-visited Mayan archaeological site offers great views of Chiapas’s Lake District.
Olintepeque, Guatemala

Chapel of El Rey San Pascual

Hidden in the highlands of Guatemala, a small shrine venerates a forbidden folk saint.
Copán Ruinas, Honduras

Hieroglyphic Stairway of Copán

This staircase full of Mayan hieroglyphics is perhaps the largest single text in the world.
Copán Ruinas, Honduras

Rosalila Temple

A full-size replica of this well-preserved temple lets you take a walk through the Mayan age.
Dump, Belize

Lubaantun Archeological Reserve

A devastated ruin in the south of Belize where British explorers claimed to unearth the Mitchell-Hedges Crystal Skull.
Champa, Mexico


The ruins of an ancient Mayan city, beautifully preserved and only accessible by boat.

Mayan Stelae at Quirigua

Mesoamerican monoliths and zoomorphic stones covered in royal visages, ancient mythology, and grand celestial events.
Bonampak, Mexico

Murals of Bonampak

Three small rooms in the jungle house the most elaborate and intact murals of the Mayan world.

Semuc Champey

Hidden deep in the Guatemalan jungle is a turquoise paradise of natural pools, caves, and waterfalls.
Quetzaltenango, Guatemala

La Iglesia de San Andres de Xecul

Experiencing Guatemala's sensory-exploding church is a blunt reminder of European influence.
Quetzaltenango, Guatemala

Baños Balcárcel

A century-old bathhouse that provides the luxury of warm water to rural Guatemalans.
Quetzaltenango, Guatemala

Los Vahos

Natural saunas fed by volcanic heat.
Zunil, Guatemala

Las Fuentes Georginas

Volcanically heated hot springs.
Panajachel, Guatemala

Atitlan Antique Rose Garden

A collection of heirloom roses tucked in a spectacularly beautiful botanical garden on Lake Atitlan.
Chichicastenango, Guatemala

Chichicastenango Cemetery

One of the world’s most colorful cemeteries, where each pigment is symbolic.
San Vicente Pacaya, Guatemala

Pizza Pacaya

For this chef, an active volcano is his oven.
Chichicastenango, Guatemala

Galería Maya Pop Wuj

An art gallery that celebrates Indigenous Maya practices and traditions.

Lago de Atitlán

Central America's deepest lake is actually a volcanic caldera, surrounded by three volcanoes.

Mixco Viejo (Jilotepeque Viejo)

A ruined Maya city that suffered a years-long case of mistaken identity.
Guatemala City, Guatemala

Mapa en Relieve

An impressive century-old, to-scale topographical map of Guatemala.
Guatemala City, Guatemala

Pinula Aqueduct

It's not quite as old as its Roman appearance suggests, but this piece of infrastructure served Guatemala City for centuries.
San Francisco, California

Leroy King Carousel

A still functioning vaudeville carousel that has operated for over a century boasts a colorful menagerie and past.
Pauls Valley, Oklahoma

The Toy and Action Figure Museum

The world's only museum devoted solely to the art and collection of action figures.
Fort Worth, Texas

Fort Worth Water Gardens

A modernist landscape of water and sci-fi concrete.