f35188431's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Towson, Maryland

Divine's Headstone

The final resting place of an iconic drag performer is decorated with pearls and hot-pink lipstick.
Landenberg, Pennsylvania

Delaware-Maryland-Pennsylvania Tri-State Point

The meeting of the northwestern corner of Delaware, the northeastern corner of Maryland, and the southern edge of Pennsylvania.
Compton, California

Dominguez Rancho Adobe Museum

This museum honors the first Spanish land grant in California which is still in the hands of the original owner's family.
Davis, California

Davis Toad Tunnel

Special tunnels built so that frogs won't be killed when crossing the highway.
Morgantown, West Virginia

Don Knotts Statue

The actor best known for slapstick comedy is memorialized in his home town.
Elmira, Michigan

Deadman's Hill

This scenic overlook commemorates the tragic death of a soon-to-be-married lumberjack.
Manchester, Vermont

Depot 62

Pick up a kebab and a credenza at this unique combination furniture store and café.
Concord, New Hampshire

Donkey Kong Mural

A real-life hidden Easter Egg in New Hampshire's capital city
Tucson, Arizona

Cherrybell Stravenue

A rare wayfinding portmanteau of “Street” and “Avenue.”
Mandeville, Louisiana

Dew Drop Jazz and Social Hall

This 19th-century benevolent society and jazz hall was rescued from abandonment to again host live music.
Maggie Valley, North Carolina

Dale’s Wheels Through Time

A museum celebrating rare American motorcycles where everything runs—and none of it quietly.
Durand, Michigan

Durand Union Station

A restored 114-year-old railroad station heralded as the most photographed depot in the United States.
Stanford, California

Dymaxion Chronofile

An archive of nearly every day of Buckminster Fuller's life.
Saint Paul, Minnesota

Dragonfly Mosaic

Thousands of people walk over this fantastic work of art every day, but how many notice it?
Pigeon Forge, Tennessee

Dolly Parton’s Dream Box and Final Song

This chestnut box will not be opened until the country music legend's 100th birthday in 2046.
Arcadia, California

Denny's Windmill

A relic from a forgotten bakery chain still spins atop a diner.
Sevierville, Tennessee

Dolly Parton Statue

An ode to "The Queen of Appalachia."
Simsboro, Louisiana

Driskill Mountain

The highest point in Louisiana, Driskill Mountain at 535 feet above sea level.
Birdsboro, Pennsylvania

Daniel Boone Homestead

Where the famed frontiersman was born, raised, and survived Quaker intrigue
Wall, South Dakota

Delta-09 Minuteman Missile Site

One of the first intercontinental ballistic missile sites in the United States.
Manatí, Puerto Rico

Cueva de las Golondrinas (Cave of the Swallows)

The short hike is worth the stunning views and crystal blue waters of a secluded beach.
Sharon, Massachusetts

Deborah Sampson's Gravestone

She become one of the first women to serve in the United States military by secretly dressing like a man.
Gypsum, Colorado

Dotsero Crater

Colorado's only active volcano last erupted around 4,000 years ago.
Somerville, Massachusetts

Charles William Jr. House

This Massachusetts home was the first to have a telephone line and its own phone number: 1.