f35188431's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Brussels, Belgium


From motorcycles to firetrucks and sports cars to horse-drawn carriages, this Belgian collection goes beyond rare cars.
Ostend, Belgium

Amandine Museum Ship

The last Oostende trawler to fish off Iceland is now a museum.
Brussels, Belgium

'Cement Truck'

Intricate metal sculpture that's half gothic cathedral, half construction equipment.
Nieuwpoort, Belgium

'Searching for Utopia'

A massive, gleaming sea turtle with a rider atop its shell looks out over the horizon.
Ghent, Belgium


An unsettling sculpture of a boy hanging out in a street in Ghent has been baffling visitors for years.
Leuven, Belgium


A giant bug impaled on a 75-foot-tall needle.
Leuven, Belgium

'Snow Whites' of Leuven

The Belgian library displays burned books that were salvaged from the fires of both world wars.
Antwerp, Belgium

Antwerp Ruien

An open-air sewer system that was covered piece-by-piece over 300 years.
Genappe, Belgium

Abbaye de Villers

A magical and peaceful ruined Cistercian abbey in what is now southern Belgium.

Augustów Canal

An engineering marvel at the time of its construction, this cross-border waterway sought to connect the Black Sea to the Baltic.
Vienna, Austria

Çerkez Dayı (Uncle Circassian)

A monument dedicated to a lone, brave invader.
Altaussee, Austria

Altaussee Salt Mines

During World War II, Austria's oldest salt mine was used to store thousands of pieces of stolen artwork.
Vienna, Austria

Austrian State Archives

More than a millennium's worth of municipal records preserve the political history of Austria.
Vienna, Austria

'Seen des Himmels' ('Lakes of the Sky')

In the fictional world of Kcymaerxthaere, standing at this site just outside Vienna, Austria, the sky would have been found beneath your feet.
Vienna, Austria

Ausgrabungen Michaelerplatz

In the middle of a Vienna square, Roman ruins dating back some 2,000 years are on display.
Obertraun, Austria

5 Fingers Observation Deck

A breathtaking viewing platform over the Alps.
Salzburg, Austria


Amidst medieval and baroque buildings, five human-sized gherkins stand tall.
Salzburg, Austria

Almkanal of Salzburg

The medieval network of canals hidden underneath the city is opened to explorers each year.
Längenfeld, Austria

Aqua Dome Langenfeld

Visitors dip into a variety of pools of what was once ice.
Vienna, Austria


Vienna's diversity-themed traffic lights were inspired by the Eurovision Song Contest.
Vienna, Austria

'Stock-im-Eisen' Nail Tree

Legends surround an ancient tree trunk riddled with nails for good luck.
Vienna, Austria

Österreichische Nationalbibliothek (Austrian National Library)

The beautiful baroque library of the Hapsburg empire.
Akhtala, Armenia

Akhtala Monastery

This often-missed monastery, set in a scenic mountain landscape, features unique frescoes, fortifications and legends.
Aghdzk, Armenia

'Crystals of Refrain'

Atop a small Armenian hilltop adorned with many forms, and carvings, these stones tell a whimsical tale from a fictional world.