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Places visited in Puerto Rico
Isabela, Puerto Rico

Tunel de Guajataca

This former sugarcane transport tunnel is now a portal to a lovely beach.
Jayuya, Puerto Rico

El Cemi Museum

This niche museum devoted to ancient religious artifacts is shaped like the very thing it displays.
Ponce, Puerto Rico

Hacienda Buena Vista

This museum preserves the heyday of Puerto Rican coffee.
Adjuntas, Puerto Rico

Casa Pueblo

This community-driven organization uses education and eco-friendly technology to protect the environment.
Caguana, Puerto Rico

Caguana Ceremonial Ball Courts

Built some 700 years ago, this Taíno ceremonial site features ball courts, petroglyphs, and evidence of ancient astronomy practices.
Arecibo, Puerto Rico

Arecibo Observatory

The world's second largest single-dish radio telescope, once used to contact E.T.
Arecibo, Puerto Rico

Cueva Ventana

permanently closed
This limestone cave offers an incredible view of the Río Grande de Arecibo valley.
San Juan, Puerto Rico

Parque De Las Palomas (Pigeon Park)

A park where people have been going to feed friendly pigeons since the 18th century
Cataño, Puerto Rico

Casa Bacardí

The bat-covered home of one of the world's most popular brands of rum is located on a tropical Art Deco campus.

Lago de Atitlán

Central America's deepest lake is actually a volcanic caldera, surrounded by three volcanoes.
Chichen Itza, Mexico

Pyramid of Kukulcan at Chich'en Itza

Every equinox this Maya pyramid puts on a spooky ancient light show.
Chichen Itza, Mexico

El Caracol

No telescopes, no power, no gift shop: The Observatory of Chichen Itza, one of the world's oldest observatories, takes astronomy back to basics.
Tikal, Guatemala

Tikal Temple IV

Deep in the Guatemalan jungle stands an ancient pyramid that once marked the reign of a king.
Mammoth Cave, Kentucky

Mammoth Cave

The world's longest known cave system.
Holbrook, Arizona

Petrified Forest National Park

See massive fossils that are over 200 million years old in northeastern Arizona.
Flagstaff, Arizona

Walnut Canyon

Ancient pueblos built into the base of a natural canyon wall.
Flagstaff, Arizona

Wupatki National Monument

This historic national park is covered in the stunning ruins of red rock pueblos.
Albuquerque, New Mexico

American International Rattlesnake Museum

A museum devoted entirely to the rattlesnakes and snake-related art.
Des Moines, New Mexico

Capulin Volcano

This volcano rises like a giant anthill from the plains below, with a road spiraling up to the rim.
Sandia Park, New Mexico


"I did this all while you were watching TV."
Albuquerque, New Mexico

The National Museum of Nuclear Science & History

The official atomic museum of the United States explores the explosive and productive history of a much maligned energy source.
Rapid City, South Dakota

Depression Era Dinosaur Park

One of America's first dinosaur parks gives a window into Depression-era paleontology.
Devils Tower, Wyoming

Devils Tower

The first declared National Monument in the United States.
Casper, Wyoming

Independence Rock

A popular rock that acted as a waymarker for American pioneers.