pittghosthunter36's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Cave of Kelpius

Where America's first doomsday cult awaited the end of the world.
Quakertown, Pennsylvania

Rosicrucian Pyramids of Bucks County

The headquarters of the Fraternitas Rosae Crucis, complete with Rosicrucian pyramids, all in the Pennsylvania woods.
Marshall, California

The Marconi Conference Center

Built by the inventor of the radio, this abandoned hotel has housed early radio employees, military men, and a dangerous cult.
Panamint, California

Barker Ranch

The location of the last stand of Charles Manson's doomsday cult.
Jeffrey City, Wyoming

Jeffrey City Ghost Town

This mining town boomed in the Atomic Age when uranium was gold, only to be abandoned when the industry collapsed.
Boulder, Colorado

Valmont Butte

This now-abandoned outcrop is an important Native American spiritual site, overtaken by European settlers and mining pollution.
Bellvue, Colorado

B-17 Bomber Crash Site

The wreckage of a World War II bomber is hidden high in the Colorado wilderness.
Bedford, Virginia

Sharp Top Crash Site

A glimpse into the sacrifices of military members during World War II.
Greenville, Maine

B52 Crash Site

The debris forms a solemn memorial to those who died in a 1963 accident.
El Paso, Texas

B-36 Bomber Crash Site

The wreckage of a crash that killed nine people still litters the Franklin Mountains.
Buffalo Township, Ohio

Crash Site of the USS Shenandoah

The crash of this great airship signaled the beginning of the end for dirigibles.
Cedar Crest, New Mexico

TWA Flight 260 Crash Site

Deadly airliner crash preserved for those willing to climb and pay respects.
Tofino, British Columbia

Canso Bomber Crash Site

The wreckage still sits at the exact spot the plane crash-landed in 1945, carrying 1,000 pounds of explosives.
Eureka, North Carolina

Goldsboro Nuclear Mishap

A sign marks the plane crash that caused two nuclear bombs to fall in North Carolina.
McCall, Idaho

B-23 'Dragon Bomber' Wreckage

The secluded site of a 1943 plane crash and amazing rescue is only accessible by hiking through the woods.
Flagstaff, Arizona

Humphreys Peak B-24 Wreckage

The wreckage of a deadly bomber plane crash can still be found near an Arizona peak.
Camden, Tennessee

Patsy Cline Crash Site Memorial

An engraved boulder marks the spot where Patsy Cline's life ended in a plane crash.
Sylva, North Carolina

Plane Crash at Waterrock Knob

Hidden amid a collection of trails is the site of a tragic crash.
Silver Plume, Colorado

Wichita State University Plane Crash Site

The remnants of a 1970 plane crash remain high in the Rocky Mountains.
Clark, Colorado

Hahn’s Peak Lookout

A long and winding trail through history led to the current iteration of this mountaintop tower.
Jefferson City, Missouri

Renz Women's Penitentiary

Destroyed by flood waters, prison now serves as a training ground for armed forces.
Jefferson City, Missouri

Missouri State Penitentiary

The maximum security facility was once thought to have "the bloodiest 47 acres in America."
Rawlins, Wyoming

Wyoming Frontier Prison Museum

This prison-turned-museum is a remnant of the Old West's grizzly, violent past.
Central City, Colorado

Nevadaville Ghost Town

This deserted Gold Rush town is home to a Masonic lodge that, strangely enough, still holds meetings.