aloopiebanana's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Lee Vining, California
Places visited in Columbus, New Mexico
Places visited in Bunkerville, Nevada
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Bridgeport, California

Bodie State Historic Park

Standing in a state of "arrested decay," this ghost town allows for a detailed peek into Gold Rush life in an unusually harsh climate.
Hawthorne, Nevada


This Gold Rush ghost town was once the subject of a territorial dispute between California and Nevada.
Swall Meadows, California

White Mountain Peak

A small research station sits at the summit of this mountain, which is one of the few U.S. peaks higher than 14,000 feet outside of the Sierra Nevada.
Bishop, California

Erick Schat's Bakkerÿ

A charming desert roadside bakery that produces 10 times more bread daily than it has residents in its town.
Bishop, California

Laws Railroad Museum

The echoes of a railroad town that solemnly mark the end of the line.
Big Pine, California

Methuselah Tree

Once thought to be the oldest living tree in the world, Methuselah was germinated before the Egyptian pyramids were built.
Tonopah, Nevada

Clown Motel

Oh, just a motel on the edge of the desert decorated with thousands of clowns conveniently located next to an abandoned graveyard.
Inyo County, California

Manzanar National Historic Site

The tragedy of the Japanese internment camps is remembered here by a stark "Soul Consoling Tower."
Lone Pine, California

Mobius Arch

This rock formation named for its unique shape is one of many that call the Alabama Hills home.
Lone Pine, California

The Museum of Western Film History

The hundreds of movies and television shows shot in this high desert town are commemorated in a unique museum.
Amargosa Valley, Nevada

Devil's Hole

Water of undetermined depth has attracted rare fish and cult leaders alike.
Shoshone, California

Dublin Gulch

A unique collection of old miners' cave homes carved in to the hillside cliffs near Death Valley.
Death Valley, California

Wildrose Charcoal Kilns

Ten 25-foot-tall, beehive-shaped kilns, abandoned in Death Valley.
Inyo County, California

Devils Golf Course Landscape

"Only the devil could play golf here."
Inyo County, California

Badwater Basin

The lowest point in North America is home to an undrinkable pool surrounded by fields of geometric salt flats.
Inyo County, California

Artist's Drive

Millions of years of oxidation make a drive down this winding Death Valley road surprisingly colorful.
Inyo County, California

Amargosa Opera House

Marta Becket's hand-painted theater in the desert.
St. George, Utah

Snow Canyon State Park

Although it also features red, orange, and variegated cliffs of Navajo Sandstone, this state park is often overshadowed by its more famous neighbor.
Clark County, Nevada

Valley of Fire

The drama of nature in full effect in this Nevada State Park.
Overton, Nevada

Lost City Museum

Preserving the remains of Native American cultures which otherwise would have been submerged behind Hoover Dam.

St. Thomas Ghost Town

This former Mormon settlement is reemerging from the receding waters of Lake Mead.
Bunkerville, Nevada

Little Finland

Harder layers in colorful sandstone weather out as prominent “fins" and even more intricate and bizarre shapes.
Bunkerville, Nevada

Devil's Throat

An unexpected sinkhole in a desert flat within Gold Butte National Monument.
Clark County, Nevada

Gold Butte National Monument

Nearly 300,000 acres of wildlife, natural splendor, and a hidden ghost town have been designated a national monument.