Annetta Black's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Albany, California
Places added to California
Places edited in San Francisco, California
Places added to San Antonio, Texas
Places edited in Milan, Italy
Places added to Munich, Germany
Places added to New Zealand
Places edited in British Columbia
Places added to Philippines
San Francisco, California

Seward Street Slides

Bring your own cardboard to the slippery slopes of concrete hidden in a neighborhood park.
Venice, Italy

Lazzaretto Nuovo

The plague quarantine island home to the alleged "Vampire of Venice."
Rome, Italy

Torre Argentina (Roman Cat Sanctuary)

Hundreds of lucky felines haunt the ruins where Caesar was murdered.
Nevers, France

The Not-Quite Incorruptible St. Bernadette of Lourdes

Perhaps the most beautiful of preserved saints, with a little help from Paris.
Belvedere Tiburon, California

Lyford's Tower

Once the gateway to the utopian dream-village of a Civil War embalmer.
Venice, Italy

Ponte dei Pugni (Bridge of Fists)

100 year tradition of fist fights, marked by marble footsteps.
Port Royal, Jamaica

Sunken Pirate City at Port Royal

Nature took her revenge on the "Wickedest City in the World."
Key Biscayne, Florida

Neptune Memorial Reef

An underwater city for the dead.
San Francisco, California

Arch of Colonial Trees

Thirteen trees representing the original thirteen colonies were planted with soil from historic Revolutionary battlefields.
Naples, Italy

Fontanelle Cemetery Caves

permanently closed
Skulls from the plague of 1656 and World War II bombings are united by a cult dedicated to caring for the ancient dead.
Seaview, England

No Man's Land

This foolish Victorian sea fort was converted to a deluxe hotel.
Rome, Italy

Monte Testaccio

This hill made entirely of ancient Roman jars was simply a garbage dump to the people of the time.
New Haven, Connecticut

Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library

Yale University's home for rare works, including the mysterious Voynich Manuscript.
Pingdingshan Shi, China

Spring Temple Buddha

The largest statue in the world towers at 420 feet high atop another 66 feet of pedestal.
Gharapuri, India

Elephanta Caves

An extraordinary "City of Caves" carved from solid stone.
Želízy, Czechia

The Devil Heads

Two monstrous faces loom over a village in Czechia.
San Francisco, California

Fleishhacker Pool Ruins

Forgotten and then destroyed by fire, this was once one of the largest saltwater swimming pools in the world.
Oakland, California

Joaquin Miller Monuments

Odd stone and concrete monuments in the "Poet of the Sierras" eclectic folly garden.
Point Arena, California

Bowling Ball Beach

The mysterious round rocks of Schooner Gulch.
Jerash, Jordan

The Ruins of Jerash

Gladiators battle and chariots race daily in the ruins of a once-great Roman city.
Thingvellir, Iceland


This natural Icelandic fissure allows divers to swim right between two volatile tectonic plates.
Pompeii, Italy

The Brothels of Pompeii

Erotic art covers the walls of the largest ancient pleasure palace.
Kilpeck, England

Medieval Erotic Carvings at the Church of St Mary and St David

Beasts and branches swirl in sandstone carvings, interrupted by one strange creature.
Talisay City, Philippines

The Ruins in Talisay

A once great mansion stands in stately ruin.