ashie's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Kampala, Uganda

Kasubi Tombs Ruins

The burial ground of four Buganda monarchs was nearly destroyed by a devastating fire.
Kumi, Uganda

Nyero Rock Paintings

Six rock shelters covered in abstract art created by ancient Ugandan tribes.
Carthage, Tunisia

Dar El Annabi

This museum in the famously blue neighborhood of Sidi Bou Saïd showcases a traditional Tunisian lifestyle.
Tunis, Tunisia

Tunis Medina

The ancient heart of Tunis is an enormous maze of narrow streets and alleyways.
Teboursouk, Tunisia


The best-preserved Roman small town in North Africa.
El Jem, Tunisia

El Jem Amphitheatre

The largest and best-preserved Roman amphitheater in Africa was designed to seat 35,000 people.
Tandjouare, Togo

Nok Caves

Hidden dwellings in the cliffsides of North Togo used by local Moba tribes to evade 18th-century slave traders.
Songo Mnara Island, Tanzania

Songo Mnara

Mosques carved from coral and dozens of well-preserved stone structures fill this 500-year-old Swahili trading center.
Monduli, Tanzania

Engaruka Ruins

The culture that built these Tanzanian ruins displayed advanced knowledge of irrigation technology before mysteriously disappearing.
Ngorongoro, Tanzania

Shifting Sand Dunes

These strange piles of magnetized volcanic ash travel across the desert about 50 feet per year.
Ngorongoro, Tanzania

Laetoli Footprints

Human ancestor’s 3.6 million year-old footprints.

The Underwater Room at Manta Resort

Stay in your own little bubble.
Kusini, Tanzania

Kuza Cave

This sacred, circular cave is lined with pools so clear and still that it's hard to tell where the water begins.
Liwale, Tanzania

Selous Game Preserve

The largest game reserve in Africa is home to thousands of species but refuses to house humans.
Kilwa Masoko, Tanzania

Kilwa Kisiwani Ruins

Stunning ruins of what was once the center of one of the greatest empires in East Africa.
Michamvi, Tanzania

The Rock

Sitting atop a rock on Michamvi Pingwe beach, this restaurant becomes its own island at high tide.
Monduli, Tanzania

Lake Natron

A salty red wasteland in Tanzania is a breeding spot for endangered flamingos.
Kerma Albeled, Sudan

Western Deffufa of Kerma

The best-preserved example of a unique structure in Nubian architecture.
Wadi Halfa, Sudan

Church Pillars of Sai Island

These pillars are one of the few remnants from the mysterious lost empire of Makuria.
Suakin, Sudan

Suakin Island Ruins

Remains of an abandoned coral city.
Shendi, Sudan

Meroe Pyramids

These Nubian pyramids are strange and unique, even by pyramid standards.
South Sudan

Topi of Boma National Park

Every October, one of the largest migration of mammals in the world thunders through Boma National Park.
South Sudan

Sudd Wetland

The inhabitants of the world’s largest wetland have learned to navigate its dramatic seasonal changes.
Dollaaskraal, South Africa

Sudwala Dinosaur Park

Jurassic Park in South Africa.