snwkatastrophy's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
Saranac Lake, New York

Saranac Laboratory Museum

A former infectious disease laboratory chronicles how tuberculosis shaped a village nestled in the Adirondacks.
Ogdensburg, New York

Frederic Remington Art Museum

Located on the banks of the St. Lawrence River, this mansion is home to a massive art collection.
East Rochester, New York

Piano Works

Called the “General Motors of the piano industry,” these buildings once produced as many as 700 pianos a week.
Batavia, New York

Morgan Monument

A towering cemetery monument honors a man who threatened to expose the Freemasons and paid with his life.
Buffalo, New York

Fontana Boathouse

The only boathouse Frank Lloyd Wright ever designed was also the only unbuilt structure in his famous Wasmuth Portfolio, until 2007.
Alexandria, New York

Deer Island

The private island of Yale's elite Skull & Bones society is kind of a dump.
Rome, New York

Fort Stanwix National Monument

An interesting look into 18th-century American history.
Niagara Falls, New York

Edward Dean Adams Power Plant

Genesis of modern hydroelectric power.
Lyndonville, New York

Lyndonville Shoe Trees

A tree full of wishes and footwear.
Palmyra, New York

Hill Cumorah

Golden plates containing what would become the Book of Mormon were believed to be buried on this New York hillside.
Potsdam, New York

Potty Gardens

Three gardens with toilets and urinals filled with bright flowers started as a protest against zoning rules.
Gouverneur, New York

Giant Life Savers Roll

A giant roll of mints marks the birthplace of one of America's most famous candy brands.
Auburn, New York

Finger Lakes Drive-In

Opened in 1947, this is the oldest continuously-operating drive-in theater in New York.
Keene Valley, New York

Mount Marcy

The summit Roosevelt conquered before he descended to become The Chief.
Seneca Falls, New York

Bridge Street Bridge

A near tragic event on this bridge helped inspire the classic film "It's a Wonderful Life."
Wilmington, New York

Santa's Workshop

A hamlet full of permanent Christmas spirit holds one of the earliest theme parks in the United States.
Keene Valley, New York

Lake Tear of the Clouds

Teddy Roosevelt’s famous “midnight ride to the presidency" started at this small lake high up in the Adirondacks.
Lockport, New York

Lockport Cave

Take an underground boat ride through a former hydraulic raceway that was built in the late 19th century.
Albany, New York

World’s Largest Nipper Statue

This giant monument of the RCA mascot is a beloved fixture in Albany, New York.
Dover Plains, New York


This isolated community does not want you to visit.
Penn Yan, New York

Largest Pancake Griddle In the World

This oversize piece of novelty cookware once cooked the largest pancake in the world.
Seneca Falls, New York

When Anthony Met Stanton

This statue commemorates the meeting of the most influential minds of the women’s rights movement.
Sanborn, New York

Native American Museum of Art

This overlooked gem outside Niagara Falls preserves and celebrates Iroquois culture.
Syracuse, New York

Niagara Mohawk Building

This Art Deco fortress in upstate New York gives Manhattan's vaunted examples of the style a run for their money.