BrandonC503's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Stockholm, Sweden

The Royal Armoury

A king's bloodstained shirt is among the gruesome collection of artifacts displayed below Stockholm's Royal Palace.
Keflavík, Iceland

‘Silver Sabler’

A relatively obscure antihero from the Marvel Comics universe adorns a wall inside Iceland's main airport.
Thingvellir, Iceland

Þingvellir Church

This beautiful, historic church looks like something out of a simpler past.
Reykjavik, Iceland

Piece of Berlin Wall In Iceland

A bit of the Berlin Wall was gifted to the Icelandic capital to commemorate the 25th anniversary of German reunification.
Reykjavik, Iceland

The Raven's Nest

This oceanside Reykjavik spot is speckled with recycled sculptures and large stones.
Reykjavik, Iceland

Álfaskólinn (Elf School)

Learn about Iceland's hidden folk at this school dedicated to the study of elves.
Reykjavik, Iceland

Skemmtigarðurinn Grafarvogi

This Viking-inspired miniature golf course features a pirate ship and views of Icelandic landscapes.
Ämari, Estonia

Ämari Pilots’ Cemetery

This soviet pilot's graveyard is filled with headstones made of airplane fins.
Tallinn, Estonia

The Bronze Soldier of Tallinn

This stoic bronze soldier stands as a symbol of Russian sacrifice or Soviet oppression, or maybe both.
Tallinn, Estonia

Haunted Guest House

Spend your honeymoon where the Devil had his wedding.
Tallinn, Estonia

Soviet Statue Graveyard

Relics from an era long gone, sit idle outside this Estonian museum.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Nasothek Nose Collection

A collection of noses tucked inside an art museum reveals how times have changed.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek Ghost Swastikas

The art museum is decorated with creatively remodeled pre-Nazi swastikas.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Tivoli Gardens

Copenhagen's celebrated theme park and gardens.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Jens Olsen's World Clock

The gilded, masterful astronomical clock will calculate time, dates, and planetary positions for thousands of years to come.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Vejrpigerne ('The Weather Girls')

This pair of gilded girls atop an Art Deco building in Copenhagen were built to function as a weather indicator.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Wehrmacht Graffiti

Bored potato-guarding Nazis etched their thoughts onto a brick storage building in Copenhagen's Meatpacking District.
Húsavík, Iceland

Jaja Ding Dong

A real-life homage to the Rachel McAdams and Will Ferrell's fictional Eurovision musical duo.
Munich, Germany

Schönheitengalerie (Gallery of Beauties)

King Ludwig I's collection of beautiful women.
Dresden, Germany

Dresden Codex

To the great disappointment of doomsdayers, this codex merely contains records of the Moon and Venus.
Mexico City, Mexico

La Rifa Chocolatería

The hot chocolate here all stems from small, sustainable microproducers in Chiapas and Tabasco.
Mexico City, Mexico

La Casa de los Azulejos

Once home to an aristocratic family and a workers' organization, this intricately tiled building now houses a chain restaurant.
Mexico City, Mexico

'El Vochol'

A Volkswagen Beetle decorated with millions of beads connects Mexico's past and future.
Mexico City, Mexico

National Museum of Anthropology Murals

The unique collection often goes unnoticed by visitors focused only on the archaeological objects.