calebjesus1's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Bern, Switzerland

Elephant of Murten

The skeleton of a 19th-century elephant that was executed by cannonball.
Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland

Trümmelbach Falls

Visit Europe's largest subterranean waterfall, carved by water from the glaciers of the towering peaks surrounding the valley.
Paris, France

Treaty of Paris Plaque

A simple plaque on the facade is the only reminder that the treaty ending the American Revolution was signed inside.
Bayeux, France

Bayeux Tapestry

This enormous "cloth of the conquest" depicts the Norman invasion of England in mind-blowing detail.
Paris, France

Execution Site of Jacques de Molay

The approximate spot where the last Grand Master of the Knights Templar was put to death.
Coussac-Bonneval, France

Château de Bonneval and The Devils Tower

Legend has it this 11th-century castle was paid a visit from the devil.
Angoville-au-Plain, France

Angoville-au-Plain Church

Bloodstains can still be seen in this medieval church where two medics saved lives on D-Day.
Strasbourg, France

Historic Wine Cellar of Strasbourg Hospital

This 14th century wine cellar is home to the oldest barrel-stored wine in the world.
Soja, Japan

Ki Castle (Kinojo Castle Ruins)

A rare example of an ancient Japanese hill castle believed to be the fortress of a legendary demon.
Bern, Switzerland

Méret Oppenheim Fountain

The Swiss artist's bulbous and overgrown shape-shifting sculpture controversially graces the center of Bern.
Beatenberg, Switzerland

St. Beatus Cave

Caves famous for the dragon-slaying saint who lived there.
Saint-Denis, Italy

Barmaz Ghost Village

An abandoned village that resides along the mountains of the Aosta Valley.
Leuk, Switzerland

Bhutanese Bridge Over the Illgraben

A symbol of friendship between the mountainous regions of Switzerland and Bhutan.
Lausanne, Switzerland

The Births of the Full Moon

A constellation of golden cobblestones shows the names of local children born under a full moon.
Ecublens, Switzerland

EPFL Learning Center

The university library shaped like a giant piece of Swiss cheese.