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Ribadavia, Spain

Ribadavia Casa de la Inquisición (Seat of the Inquisition)

The building hides in plain sight in Ribadavia's historic Jewish quarter.
Madrid, Spain

Farmacia Juanse

A window into a long-lost world, these colorful tiles advertise a long-defunct range of purgative teas, harmless smokables, and diarrhea cures.
Barcelona, Spain

Madame Chocolat Store

This store decorated with Japanese and underground pop culture items has been the centre of Barcelona alternative fashion scenes for more than a decade.
Córdoba, Spain

Estrella de los Deseos (Wishing Star)

Touching this little fossil embedded in the wall of a grand mosque-cathedral may make your wishes come true.
Oviedo, Spain

The Green Skeleton

This Bronze Age man spent millennia buried in a mine, giving his bones an eerie hue.
Cervera, Spain

Carreró de les Bruixes (Alley of Witches)

A signal indicates the entrance to this alley, rumored to be a meeting place for witches.
Pinofranqueado, Spain

Las Hurdes

Remote, beautiful, and stigmatized, Las Hurdes is Spain's version of Appalachia.
Formentera, Spain

Pas des Trucadors

Semi-mystical manmade towers of rocks decorate this rocky seaside.
Madrid, Spain

Carpetana Metro Station Museum

Replicas of fossils unearthed during renovation work reveal how this area would have looked millions of years ago.
Asturias, Spain

Teverga Prehistoric Park

See replicas of Europe's most famous cave paintings and even some of the animals that feature in the art.
Gijón, Spain

Jardín Botánico Atlántico (Atlantic Botanic Garden)

This enchanting green space houses a labyrinth lined with toxic plants.
Montejo de Tiermes, Spain


The ruins of an ancient Celtiberian town with incredible rock-cut buildings and a Roman aqueduct.
Toledo, Spain

The Roman Baths of Toledo

The fragmented remains of a massive public bath connected to the city's water supply.
Valencia de Alcántara, Spain

Valencia de Alcántara Dolmens

One of Europe's largest groups of dolmens remains largely off the typical tourist track.
Segovia, Spain

The Selfie Devil

A controversial art piece that harkens back to local folklore.
Cártama, Spain

Dinero DIY

This art installation at an abandoned lipstick factory has distinct anti-capitalist vibes.
Colunga, Spain

Jurassic Museum of Asturias

A wonderful collection of fossilized dinosaurs and other creatures that roamed the landscape millions of years ago.
Madrid, Spain

The Lady of Cerro de los Santos

This enigmatic artifact is a rare depiction of an ancient Iberian noblewoman.
Madrid, Spain

'Día y Noche' (Day and Night)

A pair of gigantic baby heads greet passengers at Atocha Station.
San Pedro, Spain

San Pedro de Cervatos Erotic Carvings

A small church ornamented with medieval erotic sculptures.
Barcelona, Spain

Priapus of Hostafrancs

This generously endowed statue once stood guard outside a Roman home.
Pimiango, Spain

El Pindal Cave

These primitive rock paintings include a very beloved depiction of a woolly mammoth.
Oviedo, Spain

Iglesia Santa Maria del Naranco

The atmospheric ruins of a historic church can be found on a hill above the city of Oviedo.
Puente Viesgo, Spain

Caves of Monte Castillo

The walls of these four caverns are filled with art that dates back to the earliest human presence in Europe.