Davi Christ's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Montreal, Québec

Notre Dame Basilica

A grand Gothic Revival basilica with stained glass depictions of Montreal's religious history has only one soul resting in its crypt.
Montreal, Québec

Habitat 67

This 1967 experiment in modular architecture was designed to be a new model for urban living.
Montreal, Québec

Biosphere of Montreal

Designed by Buckminster Fuller, this relic of the 67 Expo survived fire and ice.
Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island

7s Pinballorama

Part arcade, part museum, this collection features vintage and modern pinball machines.
Summerside, Prince Edward Island

International Fox Museum and Hall of Fame

The once-booming fox ranching industry has left its mark on Prince Edward Island.
Bayfield, Prince Edward Island

Confederation Bridge

This engineering marvel is the longest bridge in Canada and one of the longest spans in the world.
Cardigan, Prince Edward Island

Canada's Smallest Library

While this is positively the smallest library in Canada, it aspires to be the smallest in the world.
Wellington County, Prince Edward Island

Edouard Arsenault Bottle Houses

Three buildings constructed of over 25,000 multicolored glass bottles.
O'Leary, Prince Edward Island

Canadian Potato Museum

This sprawling collection hides many charms.
Green Gables, Prince Edward Island

Anne of Green Gables Museum

Go inside the house that inspired L. M. Montgomery to create one of literature's most beloved heroines.
O'Leary, Prince Edward Island

Seaweed Pie

Made from local Irish moss, this pie is served only in Prince Edward Island's potato museum.
Lower Darnley, Prince Edward Island

Red Sands of Prince Edward Island

Rusty red sands line the shores of this Canadian Province.
Yellowknife, Northwest Territories

Long John Jamboree

After a long, dark winter in the upper latitudes, Yellowknife knows how to let it all out in unparalleled style.
Inuvik, Northwest Territories

Our Lady of Victory Church

This house of worship in the Arctic Circle is shaped like an igloo.
Inuvik, Northwest Territories

Inuvik Community Greenhouse

This greenhouse was once a hockey arena.
Deline, Northwest Territories

Great Bear Lake

Locals believe the purity of this huge, untouched Arctic lake could be the salvation of human civilization.
Inuvik Region, Northwest Territories

The Tuktoyaktuk Pingos

Natural earth mounds formed in the far north.
Yellowknife, Northwest Territories

Ragged Ass Road

This Canadian road's nickname stuck so hard the city had to keep it.
Fort Smith, Northwest Territories

Diavik Diamond Mine

Ice roads, deep holes and 3,500 pounds of diamonds.
Inuvik, Unorganized, Northwest Territories

The Smoking Hills

These hellish-looking cliffs in the Canadian Arctic have been burning for centuries.
Gander, Newfoundland and Labrador

Silent Witness Memorial

Dedicated to the deadliest aviation accidents on Canadian soil.
Cape Anguille, Newfoundland and Labrador

Cape Anguille Lighthouse

This lighthouse sits within a glacial valley.
Conche, Newfoundland and Labrador

French Shore Interpretation Centre

A small museum in Newfoundland is home to a 227-foot tapestry that preserves the remote region's colorful history.
Raleigh, Newfoundland and Labrador

Album Rock

A remote landmark named for a whimsical photograph taken by a 1850s photographer and his crew of graffiti artists.