misswhite1's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Keene Valley, New York
Places added to Prince Edward Island
Places added to Lincoln, New Hampshire
Places added to Victoria, British Columbia
Places added to New Brunswick
Victoria, British Columbia

Moss Lady

Greenery cloaks this serene sculpture inspired by the famous Lost Gardens of Heligan.
Prague, Czechia

The Museum of Alchemists and Magicians of Old Prague

The history of occult science is turned into a creepshow at this lurid Prague tourist attraction.
Plymouth, Massachusetts

National Monument to the Forefathers

Plymouth's huge yet little-known memorial to the Pilgrims.
Duxbury, Massachusetts

Myles Standish Burial Ground

It took 275 years and four burials to finally put the Mayflower’s most famous passenger to rest.
Port Angeles, Washington

Port Angeles Underground

Tour the original street level of Port Angeles, buried underground in 1914.
Salem, Massachusetts

Statue of Elizabeth Montgomery

Statue in Salem of the woman who starred as the witch Samantha in the sitcom "Bewitched."
Mendon, Vermont

Cooper's Cabin

Small rustic cabin nested in the mountains of Killington, Vermont.
Prague, Czechia

Tančící dům - Dancing House of Prague

This tipsy office building in downtown Prague was originally called “Fred and Ginger.”
Salem, Massachusetts

House of the Seven Gables

The 340-year-old house that inspired the classic Nathaniel Hawthorne novel.
Salem, Massachusetts

The Witch House of Salem

The only structure left with direct ties to the Salem witchcraft trials of 1692.
Keystone, South Dakota

Black Elk Peak

The highest point in South Dakota contains the ashes of Valentine McGillycuudy, the "Holy White Man."
Sibley, Iowa

Hawkeye Point

The highest point in Iowa, while not that impressive to mountain states, has earned its own monuments.
Wilmington, Delaware

Ebright Azimuth

The highest point in Delaware is located under a trailer so this marker across the street will have to do.
Sunset, South Carolina

Sassafras Mountain

The highest point in South Carolina was once owned by an energy company that neglected it but now the state is taking it back.
Blairsville, Georgia

Brasstown Bald

Georgia's highest point was given its strange name thanks to a simple translation error.
Victoria, British Columbia

Miniature World

A famous hotel houses an impression collection of mini dioramas and giant doll houses.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Mütter Museum

America's most famous museum of medical oddities is home to the remains of Albert Einstein's brain.
Addison, Vermont

Crown Point Bridge

Lake Champlain Bridge, the recently demolished and rebuilt bridge where they filmed "What Lies Beneath".
Warren, New Hampshire

Redstone Missile

Maybe the only missile installed in a public park, this Cold War leftover was one of the first to carry a nuclear warhead.
Lincoln, New Hampshire

Betty and Barney Hill Memorials

A gas station and a state sign commemorating the most famous claims of extraterrestrial abduction.
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

Gettysburg Cyclorama

A dramatic, 360-degree recreation of Pickett's Charge in the Civil War.
Harpers Ferry, West Virginia

John Brown's Fort

The last holdout of a pre-Civil War rebel who took the matter of slavery into his own hands.
Cooperstown, North Dakota

Ronald Reagan Minuteman Missile Site

These former Cold War launch sites have been preserved for tourists to see where the button might have been pushed.
Keene Valley, New York

Lake Tear of the Clouds

Teddy Roosevelt’s famous “midnight ride to the presidency" started at this small lake high up in the Adirondacks.