Davi Christ's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Calgary, Alberta

Reader Rock Garden

A Victorian garden in a harsh climate at the border of the prairies and foothills of the Canadian Rockies.
Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta

Elk Island National Park

Watch bison, elk, and other wild animals up close at this national park.
Donalda, Alberta

Donalda Lamp Museum

The museum is home to four times as many lamps as there are people in town.
Hinton, Alberta

Northern Rockies Museum of Culture and Heritage

This museum provides a personal and intimate journey through the history of the Northern Rockies.
Calgary, Alberta

'Travelling Light'

A controversial blue hoop has been puzzling freeway drivers since 2013.
Edmonton, Alberta

Garneau Theatre

This is one of the last remaining theatres in Canada to feature an Art Moderne architectural style.
Edmonton, Alberta

Al Rashid Mosque

First mosque in Canada, second in North America.
Wetaskiwin, Alberta

Reynolds-Alberta Museum

An automotive, farming machinery, and aviation museum located in Wetaskiwin, Alberta, Canada.
Edmonton, Alberta

High Level Bridge

This unique bridge has been a staple across the Saskatchewan River Valley for more than 100 years.
Cardston, Alberta

Remington Carriage Museum

One of the largest collections of carriages, buggies, and wagons in the world.
Banff, Alberta

Grizzly House

Try the alligator at this fondue spot, which has been catering to "lovers and hedonists" since 1967.
Kananaskis, Alberta

Troll Falls

A stone troll guards the hike that leads to this waterfall.
Vulcan County, Alberta

Iniskim Umaapi (Majorville Medicine Wheel)

This remote 4,500 year old medicine wheel is one of the last of its kind.
Calgary, Alberta

Udderly Art Pasture

A herd of colorfully painted bovine statues can be found in the middle of "cowtown."
Edmonton, Alberta

Alberta Railway Museum

Ride aboard a centuries-year-old steam engine and explore dozens of trains parts, including an unusual "comboose."
Eldon, Alberta

Eisenhower Tower

Canada’s surprisingly controversial monument to Dwight Eisenhower.
Calgary, Alberta

The New Central Library

The New Central Library is a masterpiece of contemporary architecture in the midst of downtown Calgary.
Patricia, Alberta

Patricia Hotel and Water Hole

Kitschy steak joint where customers can cook their own meat over an eternal flame.
Mundare, Alberta

The World's Largest Sausage

Massive kielbasa stands 42 feet tall and weighs in at 12,000 pounds.
Bellevue, Alberta

The Burmis Tree

Despite being dead since the 1970s, this Canadian tree is kept upright and intact by adoring locals.
Banff, Alberta

Cave and Basin National Historic Site

The natural hot spring that was integral to the creation of Canada's first national park.
Drumheller, Alberta

The Little Church

A six-person chapel in the middle of Alberta's badlands.
Vegreville, Alberta

The Vegreville Pysanka

Possibly the world’s easiest Easter-egg hunt.
Edmonton, Alberta

Neon Sign Museum

An outdoor installation of 20 vintage signs that once hung in front of businesses throughout town.