Davi Christ's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Danbury, Connecticut

Hat Maker Statue

This statue commemorates the importance of hat manufacturing to Danbury, once known as the "Hat City of the World."
Norwich, Connecticut

Monument to Miantonomo

The site where chief Miantonomo of the Narraganset people was captured.
Mansfield, Connecticut

Army Ant Guests Exhibit

A giant ant model welcomes visitors to an exhibit about symbiotic organisms that live with army ant colonies.
Bloomfield, Connecticut

Matianuck Natural Area Preserve

Sand dunes from a glacial lake are preserved in this woodland park.
Stratford, Connecticut

Boothe Memorial Park

This eclectic homestead is home to a miniature windmill and Connecticut's last tollbooth.
Salisbury, Connecticut

Noble Horizons Retirement Home

Retirement home where the actress who played the Wicked Witch of the West passed away.
Milford, Connecticut

Liberty Rock

This large boulder was used as a lookout point by Revolutionary War militiamen.
Middletown, Connecticut

Sergeant Stubby Statue

This statue honoring the most decorated dog of World War I stands in a Connecticut park.
Haddam, Connecticut

Haddam Shad Museum

Springtime is go time for this repurposed shack and the fish it venerates.
Mansfield, Connecticut

Epiphyte Tree

An artificial tree in the University of Connecticut greenhouses holds a collection of orchids, mosses, and other tropical epiphytic plants.
New Haven, Connecticut

Pirelli Building

After decades of neglect, a brutalist icon is getting new life as an eco-friendly hotel.
Hartford, Connecticut

Charter Oak Frame

A portrait of the Charter Oak hangs in a frame made from the Charter Oak.
Danbury, Connecticut

Sybil Ludington Statue

A statue commemorating a 16-year old girl's nighttime ride to raise a militia against attacking British troops.
Meriden, Connecticut

Traffic Control Tower

A human attendant once directed car traffic from this structure before automated stoplights.
West Hartford, Connecticut

'Conny The Whale'

Journey inside the bowels of this sperm whale sculpture.
Hartford, Connecticut

Horace Wells Memorial

The tragic tale of the dentist who pioneered the use of anesthesia.
Marlborough, Connecticut

Snake Rock

This roadside wonder is as mysterious as it is beloved.
New Haven, Connecticut

Ingalls Rink

It looks like a whale, it's part of Yale, and it's best-known by a nickname you can probably work out for yourself.
Wilton, Connecticut

Weir Farm National Historic Site

American artist J. Alden Weir purchased this 60-acre estate for $10 and a painting.
Hartford, Connecticut

Great Scott Moon Rock

An actual piece of the Moon, brought down to Earth by Apollo 15.
Hartford, Connecticut

Statue of Jack the Pardoned Turkey

This sculpture commemorates the first instance of an American president pardoning a turkey.
Hartford, Connecticut


A journey through a curious collection of oddities and wonder.
Stratford, Connecticut

Connecticut Air & Space Center

A humble air museum located in an original World War II aircraft factory.
New Haven, Connecticut

The Institute Library

One of America's oldest private membership libraries was long one of New Haven's best kept secrets.