driessouvereyns's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Cinto Euganeo, Italy

Euganean Hills

A sudden, striking cluster of hills south of Padua has been attracting visitors for centuries.
Ventotene, Italy

Santo Stefano Prison

Built to be the ideal penitentiary, this abandoned panopticon saw several revolts and even a prisoners' coup.
Genoa, Italy

Palazzo San Giorgio

Once home to one of the oldest banks in the world, this building is also where Marco Polo's famous travelogue was written.
Volterra, Italy

Cimitero di San Finocchi

Abandoned cemetery of the former Psychiatric Hospital of Volterra.
Avezzano, Italy

Tunnels of Claudius

This Roman underground canal was the longest tunnel ever built until the late 19th-century.
Luras, Italy

Olivastri Millenari

At an estimated 3,800 years old, this olive tree is one of the oldest on earth.
Alianello, Italy

Alianello Ghost Town

Though an earthquake destroyed this village in 1980, one former resident still walks its streets every day.
Sanremo, Italy

Old Bussana (Bussana Vecchia)

An ancient rogue artist community hidden next to one of the world's most glitzy and glamorous cities.
Gibellina Vecchia, Italy

Cretto di Burri

Leveled by an earthquake, this Italian village is now preserved as a massive concrete art project.
Bacoli, Italy

Casina Vanvitelliana

The Bourbon royal family had this unique octagonal hunting "cottage" built on a tiny islet in Lake Fusaro.
Gardone Riviera, Italy

Vittoriale Degli Italiani (Victory Shrine of the Italians)

A military museum, art park, mausoleum, and architectural oddity all on one fascist's estate.
Maddaloni, Italy

Ponti della Valle di Maddaloni

A massive bridge forms part of an aqueduct that was deemed an architectural wonder of its time.
Pozzuoli, Italy

Flavian Amphitheater of Pozzuoli

Italy's third-largest Roman arena gives a peek into the underground operations beneath the ancient spectacles.
Province of Rieti, Italy

Dolina del Revotano

This enormous sinkhole hides a secret world created from divine wrath.
Varenna, Italy

Varenna Cemetery

An unusual resting place built into the hill with an amazing view of Lake Como.
Astura, Italy

Torre Astura

A medieval stronghold rising over the ruins of ancient Roman villas along Rome's southern coast.
Nemoli, Italy

Lake Sirino

This small but lovely sinkhole lake is the last remnant of a great prehistoric water basin.
Padua, Italy

La Specola Observatory

This old medieval prison tower has been a site of astronomical research for more than 250 years.
Modena, Italy

San Cataldo Cemetery

This ultra-modern burial building would have stacked the dead like a giant filing cabinet.
San felice del Benaco, Italy

Isola del Garda

A small island in Lake Garda that was used as a burial site, pirate hideout, and a monastery.
Barolo, Italy

Barolo Wine Museum

A stunning medieval castle houses this eclectic, interactive tribute to all things wine.
Salerno, Italy

Salerno Medieval Aqueduct

According to the legend, this structure was built in a single night with the help of the devil.
Rasiglia, Italy


This medieval mountain town is also known as the "Village of Streams."
Grimaldi, Italy

Cavillon Cave at Grimaldi

A beautiful discovery site of prehistoric burials.