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Montpellier, France

Villa Des Cent Regards

100-windowed castle turned art gallery, built by one dedicated mason.
Orschwiller, France

Haut-Kœnigsbourg Castle

The castle was reconstructed to fit Kaiser Wilhelm II's romanticized vision of the Middle Ages.
Bayeux, France

Bayeux Tapestry

This enormous "cloth of the conquest" depicts the Norman invasion of England in mind-blowing detail.
Chartres, France

Chartres Cathedral Crypt

The largest crypt ever constructed in France was built in the 11th century on an ancient Druid sacred site.
Réotier, France

Petrified Fountain of Réotier

This otherworldly French waterfall looks like its waters have turned to stone.
Strasbourg, France

Historic Wine Cellar of Strasbourg Hospital

This 14th century wine cellar is home to the oldest barrel-stored wine in the world.
Belfort, France

The Lion of Belfort

A colossal sculptural lion built by the same man who designed the Statue of Liberty.
Etsaut, France

Chemin de la Mâture

This narrow path was cut right into a French mountainside to feed the country's early naval expansion.
Reims, France

The Ruins at the Hotel le Vergeur

Bits of architecture from a town destroyed in World War I now decorate this hotel garden.
Huelgoat, France

Trembling Rock

If they push on just the right spot, even the weakest person can move this titanic boulder.
Leffrinckoucke, France

Leffrinckoucke Bunkers

These crumbling Nazi artillery bunkers are now fair game for massive graffiti projects.
Les Trois-Moutiers, France

Château de la Mothe-Chandeniers

A 2017 crowdfunding campaign saved this historic castle from being destroyed.
Paris, France

Georges Méliès's Grave

The final resting place of the "father of special effects."
Naours, France

Cité souterraine de Naours (Underground City of Naours)

A centuries-old complex of hand-dug stone chambers has sheltered locals in times of trouble.
Rustrel, France

Ochre Quarry in Colorado Provençal

One of the largest ochre quarries in the world, hidden in a limestone landscape.
Alliat, France

Niaux Cave Paintings

Trek into the depths of the cave where 17,000-year-old paintings exist alongside 400-year-old graffiti.
Ablain-Saint-Nazaire, France

Ruined Church of Ablain-Saint-Nazaire

The 16th-century church was kept in its ruined state as a reminder of the casualties of World War I.
Asnières-sur-Seine, France

Cemetery of the Dogs

The Cimetière des Chiens et Autres Animaux Domestiques is one of the oldest pet cemeteries in the world.
Arles, France

Arles Amphitheatre

This ancient theater was once the home of fierce gladiatorial battles.
Le Puy, France

Saint Michel d'Aiguilhe (St. Michael of the Needle)

A chapel on a volcanic core, marking the end of a successful journey.
Lyon, France

Jardin Rosa Mir

A tiled, multi-level garden of survival in Lyon.
Deyme, France

The Abandoned Galleon

The deserted pirate-themed restaurant still entices explorers.
Paris, France

Musée de la Prefecture de Police

A museum which takes visitors to the côté obscure of Paris.
Cossé-le-Vivien, France

Musee Robert Tatin

A self-built mosaic house and sculpture park.