Fred Cherrygarden's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Kyoto, Japan
Places added to Paris, France
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Places visited in Gyeongju, South Korea
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Bratislava, Slovakia

Napoleon's Army Soldier

An ode to a soldier who came to town, fell in love, then began making his own sparkling wine.
Bratislava, Slovakia

The Pamätné Kamene of Bratislava

Brass plaques embedded in pavement preserve the memories of those who lost their lives at the hands of Nazis during World War II.
Prague, Czechia

Winton Children Farewell Memorial

Dedicated to the man who saved hundreds of children from Nazi-occupied Czechoslovakia.
Prague, Czechia


A grumpy old water goblin guarding an old mill on the Devil’s Stream in Prague.
Prague, Czechia

Karel Zeman Museum

Dedicated to the works of the legendary special effects artist.
Prague, Czechia

Faustův Dům (Faust House)

A Baroque mansion with ties to legendary magicians and alchemists.
Prague, Czechia

Emmaus Monastery

A quasi-futuristic roof sits atop a medieval Bohemian monastery damaged during World War II.
Prague, Czechia


The medieval "Bearded Man" relief still serves as a clever flood warning marker.
Dresden, Germany

Elbehochwasser 2002 Memorial

A famous big wave from Japan serves as a tribute to the victims of the disastrous Elbe flood.
Dresden, Germany


The “Coin Cabinet of Dresden” houses a collection of over 300,000 numismatic artifacts, one of the largest of its kind in Europe.
Berlin, Germany

Messedamm Underpass

You've probably seen these distinctive orange-tiled columns on the big screen.
Berlin, Germany

Bud Spencer Museum

Celebrating the works of a beloved Italian actor, known for such cult films as 'They Call Me Trinity' and 'Watch Out, We’re Mad!'
Berlin, Germany

‘Trains to Life – Trains to Death’

A haunting contrast of trains that both saved and took the lives of Jewish children in Nazi Germany.
Luxembourg, Luxembourg

Hämmelsmarsch Fountain

Some believe that the artist behind this whimsical statue inserted his own likeness as a way to discreetly flip the bird.
Luxembourg, Luxembourg

Les Saltimbanques

Statues of a fire-breather, a clown, and a whole performing troupe celebrate Luxembourg's creative side.
Luxembourg, Luxembourg

Melusina Statue

This magenta statue commemorates the legendary marriage between a mermaid and the city's founder.
Brussels, Belgium

Museum of the National Bank of Belgium

One of the oldest bank museums in Europe showcases unusual currencies of the world and other money-related miscellanea.
Brussels, Belgium

Madame Chapeau Sculpture

A bronze statue of the fictional character nicknamed "Mrs. Hat" from a beloved Belgian comedy.
Paris, France

'Bouquet of Tulips'

One of Jeff Koons’s largest sculptures and his first commemorative work.
Paris, France

‘Dénicheur d’Oursons’

A gruesome combat between a hunter and a furious momma bear.
Paris, France

Vaslav Nijinsky’s Grave

A melancholy jester sits on the grave of a famous 20th-century ballet dancer and choreographer.
Paris, France

The Wall of Philip II Augustus

The remains of the medieval wall that once surrounded Paris with ties to the construction of the Louvre.
Paris, France

Fontaine de la Croix-du-Trahoir

Executions were once held near this beautiful 18th-century fountain.
Paris, France

Maison de la Colombe

The site where two doves fell in love.