greetdruyts's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Baarle-Hertog, Belgium
Places visited in Heuvelland, Belgium
Places visited in Peñíscola, Spain
Places visited in Arnhem, Netherlands
Places visited in Teruel, Spain
Places visited in El Campello, Spain
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Luxembourg, Luxembourg


This small chapel built into rock is the oldest place of worship in Luxembourg.
Luxembourg, Luxembourg

Melusina Statue

This magenta statue commemorates the legendary marriage between a mermaid and the city's founder.
Luxembourg, Luxembourg

'Mir wëlle bleiwe wat mir sinn'

The official motto of Luxembourg reminds passersby of the Luxembourgish commitment to their national identity and sovereignty.
Luxembourg, Luxembourg

Les Saltimbanques

Statues of a fire-breather, a clown, and a whole performing troupe celebrate Luxembourg's creative side.
Luxembourg, Luxembourg

Hämmelsmarsch Fountain

Some believe that the artist behind this whimsical statue inserted his own likeness as a way to discreetly flip the bird.
Los Angeles, California

‘Corporate Head’

This sculpture presents commentary on a life in pursuit of profits.

The Oldest Chunk of Rock in the World

The 3.8 billion-year-old rock proves that tectonic plates may have been shifting longer than we thought.
Denmark / Canada

Hans Island

A long-disputed island that Denmark and Canada claim by periodically alternating flags and bottles of liquor.

Ellesmere Island Mummified Forest

Rare mummified forest could offers a glimpse into how our environment has been changed by humans.
Baffin, Unorganized, Nunavut

Ellesmere Island

The third-largest island in Canada is one of the remotest places on Earth.
Devon Island, Nunavut

Haughton Impact Crater

The closest thing to Mars on Earth.

Sub-Sub-Sub Island on Victoria Island

The Arctic Archipelago is home to world's largest third order island: an island in a lake on an island in a lake on an island.
Inuvik, Unorganized, Northwest Territories

The Smoking Hills

These hellish-looking cliffs in the Canadian Arctic have been burning for centuries.
Inuvik Region, Northwest Territories

The Tuktoyaktuk Pingos

Natural earth mounds formed in the far north.
Barrow, Alaska

Barrow Whale Bone Arch

The "Gateway to the Arctic" connects Barrow's indigenous population with the sea and its traditional industry: whaling.
Diomede, Alaska

Little Diomede Island

Alaska Natives have lived on this tiny isolated island in the Bering Strait for over 5,000 years.

Diomede Islands

Two islands just 4 km apart separated by an International Border and Date Line.
Nome, Alaska


This ghostly Alaska village still clings to a steep cliffside despite having been abandoned for over 50 years.

Whale Bone Alley

Siberian whale bones stand as cairns marking location of an ancient butcher yard.
Verkhoyanskiy ulus, Russia

The Batagaika Crater

The giant Siberian crater known locally as the "doorway to the underworld" is expanding every year.
Barentsburg, Norway


This Arctic mining town is home to a cat that's spent years masquerading as a fox.
Pyramiden, Norway


This abandoned mining village was predicted to resist decay longer than any other modern human settlement.

Kinnarodden (Cape Nordkinn)

Remote and wild, Kinnarodden is the northernmost point of mainland Europe.
Nordkapp, Norway

North Cape

At the very tippity-top of Europe is a cliff from which you can view the midnight sun.