gridgr16's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
Providence, Rhode Island

Gun Totem

This 3,500 pound obelisk was constructed with more than 1,000 reclaimed guns.
Milton, Massachusetts

George H.W. Bush Birthplace

Though a proud Texan, the 41st President of the United States started life in the suburbs of Boston.
Dedham, Massachusetts

Largemouth Bass Sculpture

This art display in Dedham honors a local fish, and is dedicated to the volunteers who restored the canal.
New York, New York

The Forgotten Entrance to Clinton Hall

Hidden in one of New York's oldest subway stations is the final remnant of the site of the bizarre Shakespeare Riots.
Nyack, New York

Clausland Mountain Tunnels

These World War I shooting range tunnels are now haunted halls of underground graffiti accessed through the roots of a tree.
Beacon, New York

Zelda Fitzgerald's Abandoned Sanatorium

The abandoned husk of a mental institution that failed to save a Jazz Age icon still sits nearly unchanged.
Syosset, New York

Ruins of King Zog's Estate

An abandoned Gold Coast-era mansion once intended for the exiled ruler of Albania, who never arrived.
North Haven, Connecticut

The Cedar Hill Rail Yard

A once-booming railroad left abandoned next to the Quinnipiac River marshes now intersects with a hiking trail.
Portsmouth, New Hampshire

Museum of Dumb Guy Stuff

This small museum is an eccentric shrine to boyhood in the 1960s.
New Castle, New Hampshire

Wentworth by the Sea

The once-abandoned 140-year-old hotel used in the movie "In Dreams."
Mahopac, New York

Donald J. Trump State Park

This forlorn park is the result of a failed investment turned tax dodge.
Boston, Massachusetts

Cocoanut Grove Fire Plaque

A plaque memorializes the Boston location of one of the largest nightclub fires in history.
Boston, Massachusetts

Folk Americana Roots Hall of Fame

A unique music museum housed in a historic Boston theater.
Boston, Massachusetts

Edgar Allan Poe Square

The Boston square dedicated to the dark poet who was born nearby.
Boston, Massachusetts

Steinert Hall

The former locus of Boston's high culture has been shuttered and buried for over 70 years.
Truro, Massachusetts

North Truro Air Force Station

permanently closed
This abandoned radar station from the Cold War era now only broadcasts a seriously ominous air of isolation.
Boston, Massachusetts

Old Franklin Park Zoo Bear Pens

The bears may be gone, but their old cages can still be found.
Somerville, Massachusetts


permanently closed
A tiny town in an empty lot was the work of a local eight-year-old.
New York, New York

Grand Central Oyster Bar

This subterranean oyster house has been the pearl of Grand Central Station since 1913.
Marshall, Michigan

American Museum of Magic

Largest magic museum in the United States with more than half a million pieces of memorabilia.
London, England

Museum of Brands

Collection dedicated to brands, packaging and advertising.
New York, New York

Track 61

This abandoned subway station beneath the Waldorf-Astoria hotel is allegedly used to secretly transport presidents.
Naoshima, Japan

007 Museum

permanently closed
A museum dedicated to the least secret spy is actually an attempt to get Hollywood's attention.
New York, New York

Catacombs of Old St. Patrick's Cathedral

Historical figures from New York City's Catholic community reside in Midtown.