jamesb's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places added to Portland, Oregon
Places added to Kassel, Germany
Places added to Butte, Montana
Places added to Oregon
Places edited in Kassel, Germany
Places edited in Portland, Oregon
Places edited in Butte, Montana
Portland, Oregon

Portland's Shanghai Tunnels

The seamy, underground secrets of Portland's criminal past.
Clackamas County, Oregon

Bagby Hot Springs

Hollowed out cedar log tubs set in an ancient towering forest.
Portland, Oregon

The Vacuum Cleaner Museum

These machines have been collecting dust for decades.
Kholmogorskiy rayon, Russia

Sutyagin House.

permanently closed
What once claimed to be the world's tallest single-family wooden structure house.
Butte, Montana

The Berkeley Pit

New fungal and bacterial species call this deadly lake home.
Portland, Oregon

Mill Ends Park

The world's smallest park was dedicated in 1948 as the only colony for leprechauns west of Ireland.
New York, New York

The Lightship Frying Pan

Rummage through this sunken ship, but leave your scuba gear at home.
New York, New York

Broken Kilometer

One kilometer of thick brass rod laid out before your eyes.
Kassel, Germany

Walter De Maria's Vertical Earth Kilometer

A two-inch thick solid brass rod that extends an astounding one kilometer straight into the earth.
Quemado, New Mexico

The Lightning Field

In the remote high desert of New Mexico, a strange array of poles beckon fury from above.
Portland, Oregon

Chocolate Waterfall

One of the world's tallest, oldest, and most disgusting chocolate cascades.
Portland, Oregon

Cathedral Park

A heavenly experience, right here on Terra Firma.
Portland, Oregon

24 Hour Church of Elvis

permanently closed
The World's First 24 Hour Coin-Operated Art Gallery!! Plastic, Styrofoam, and Elvis--If you can't get rid of it, you might as well worship it!!
Cardross, Scotland

The Ruins of St. Peter's Seminary

One of Scotland's most important modern structures, it just made the '100 Most Endangered Sites' list.
Hermiston, Oregon

Umatilla Chemical Depot

A stunning landscape of bunkers that once stored chemical weapons.
Lexington, Oregon

The Duplicative Forest

permanently closed
Remember that scene in the Matrix, when Neo is in the big white room with all the weapons flying by? Well, this is what it would look like if he had wanted trees instead of guns.