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Places visited in Recife, Brazil
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Alto Paraíso de Goiás, Brazil

Vale da Lua

After millennia of erosion by sand and churning water this Brazilian valley now looks like a lunar fantasy.
Santana do Riacho, Brazil

Cachoeira do Lajeado

This unique 230-foot waterfall is a natural beauty hidden within the vast wild landscape.
Caratinga, Brazil

The Muriquis of Feliciano Miguel Abdala Reserve

A preserved section of the Atlantic Forest is an important habitat for these critically endangered monkeys.
Santa Terezinha, Brazil

Chapada das Mesas National Park

High plateaus and beautiful waterfalls frame this ecologically significant nature preserve.
Palmeiras, Brazil

Morro do Pai Inácio

This peak in Chapada Diamantina National Park offers the most stunning sunsets.

Parque Nacional Serra da Capivara

Site full of incredible prehistoric paintings and archeological findings.
Salvador, Brazil

Casa Coati

This modernist building is the last remnant of an ambitious plan to restore a neighborhood.
Sousa, Brazil

Valley of the Dinosaurs

One of the few places in the world where visitors can walk alongside fossilized tracks from 80 different dinosaur species.
Brejo da Madre de Deus, Brazil

New Jerusalem Theater

World's largest open air theater spans 24 acres and hosts a massive recreation of the Passion of Christ.
Pernambuco, Brazil

Old Petrolandia Church

The haunting peak of an old church is all that remains of a drowned Brazilian city.