Malchai's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Imler, Pennsylvania

Lost Children of the Alleghenies Monument

It marks the spooky spot where the bodies of two young boys were found in the 19th century.
Johnstown, Pennsylvania

Statue of Morley's Dog

This cast-iron canine is a beloved icon among the people of Johnstown and ice hockey fans everywhere.
Johnstown, Pennsylvania

Johnstown Inclined Plane

Steepest flood safety railway in the entire world.
Ashland, Pennsylvania

Big Mine Run Geyser

The only geyser in the state of Pennsylvania is caused by pressure from an abandoned coal mine outside of the ghost town Centralia.
Allenwood, Pennsylvania

Bunkers of Alvira

Over 100 concrete munitions bunkers are all that remain of a Pennsylvanian village seized by the US government.
Wellsboro, Pennsylvania

Pine Creek Gorge

This lush forest valley was once mined for lumber to the extent that it was once nicknamed "The Pennsylvania Desert."
Vik, Iceland


Three columns of volcanic rock shoot out of the ocean.

Kerið Crater Lake

This eye-popping Icelandic crater lake is surrounded by red volcanic rock.
Hamragarðar, Iceland


This fantastical waterfall is hidden in a cave located in a cracked cliff.
Reykjavik, Iceland

Bæjarins Beztu Pylsur

One of the oldest family businesses in Reykjavík serves lamb-based hot dogs.
Reykjavik, Iceland

Icelandic Punk Museum

This tiny museum's sizable collection is jammed into a former underground public toilet.
Reykjavik, Iceland


This stunning concert hall has become a symbol of Iceland's national recovery.
Reykjavik, Iceland


One of the tallest buildings in Iceland, and perhaps, the most visually impressive.
Tampa, Florida

Columbia Restaurant

This grand Spanish-Cuban restaurant has been serving customers for more than a century.
Celebration, Florida

Mickey Pylon

Electrical pylon in the shape of Disney's beloved mouse.
Lake Harmony, Pennsylvania

Hickory Run Boulder Field

A field of nothing but boulders which resembles a giant's gravel driveway.
Fayetteville, West Virginia

Kaymoor Mines

An abandoned coal mine reached by a steep hike.
Bedford, Pennsylvania

Bedford Springs Resort

A dozen U.S. presidents have stayed at the historic resort, which was known as James Buchanan’s “Summer White House” from 1857-1861.
Bedford, Pennsylvania

Dunkle's Gulf Service

This Art Deco service station has been providing tune-ups and turning heads for close to a century.
Bedford, Pennsylvania

Koontz Coffee Pot

This titanic java kettle is one of the many kitschy landmarks located along America's OTHER famous highway.
Austin, Pennsylvania

Austin Dam

When the Austin Dam failed it destroyed much of Austin...and then it failed again.
Altoona, Pennsylvania

Horseshoe Curve

This dramatic rail curve was once the target of a failed Nazi attack.
Lancaster, Pennsylvania

'Newspaper Reader'

This iconic Lancaster everyman has been reading the same story since 1980.
Hanover, Pennsylvania


These small house replicas have stood proudly since the 1950s, even as the property has changed hands.