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Brussels, Belgium

Manneken Pis

A little sculpture with a large wardrobe.
Brussels, Belgium

Le Cercueil (The Coffin)

The Devil’s own choice when he needs a drink in Brussels.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

The Resistance Museum

A poignant museum dedicated to the history of the Dutch resistance against Nazi occupation
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Theater Tuschinski

A beautifully eclectic mix of architectural styles.
Zaandam, Netherlands

Hotel Inntel Zaandam

Colorful and chaotic stacked hotel in North Holland.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Museum Tot Zover

This museum inside Amsterdam's largest cemetery explores how people deal with death.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Amsterdam Oersoep

A Dutch passageway's artistic, aquatic-themed makeover pays tribute to the capital city's famed waterways.
Amsterdam, Netherlands


The world's first zoo for microbes collecting the horrible and wonderful things living on and around us.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Hortus Botanicus Amsterdam

Established in 1638 to battle the Black Death, Hortus Botanicus Amsterdam is a treasure trove of rare flora.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Electric Ladyland: The Museum of Fluorescent Art

The world's only museum devoted to the wonders of fluorescence.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Café Papeneiland

Famed for its pie, this eatery has a hidden tunnel that allowed Catholics to secretly walk to church during the Reformation.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

De Poezenboot (The Cat Boat)

A floating cat sanctuary on an Amsterdam canal.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

In't Aepjen

This historic Amsterdam bar used to accept sailor's monkeys as payment.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Our Lord in the Attic

The attic of a four-century-old canal house hides a clandestine church.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Red Light Secrets

This museum housed in a former brothel explores the past and present of sex work in Amsterdam.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Pijpencabinet (Amsterdam Pipe Museum)

This vast collection of smoking pipes from across the world spans centuries.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Nieuwe Spiegelstraat

An Amsterdam street lined with antique shops each one dedicated to a different obscure collection.
Amsterdam, Netherlands


Cat art as far as the eye can see.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

The Torture Museum

Museum preserving torture methods from the past.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Amsterdam Toy Museum

This collection of 20th-century toys is filled with a lifelong personal toy collection brought from the U.S. to Amsterdam.