victoriareyna's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Roswell, New Mexico

Roswell McDonald's

This fast-food outlet is the only space and UFO-themed McDonalds in the world.
Alamogordo, New Mexico

White Sands National Park

Explore the largest pure gypsum deposit in the world, and go dune sledding while you're at it.
Santa Rosa, New Mexico

Santa Rosa Blue Hole

A clear blue swimming hole with hidden caves, still unexplored.
Carlsbad, New Mexico

Carlsbad Caverns

The second-largest cave chamber in the world was discovered in 1898 by a 16-year-old and a friend known as "Pothead."
Roswell, New Mexico

International UFO Museum and Research Center

A museum dedicated to the alleged Roswell Incident.
San Diego, California

Harper's Topiary Garden

A couple turned their front yard into an artistic masterpiece.
Winter Park, Colorado

Devil's Slide Trestles

These decaying bridges 1,000 feet high are a reminder of the skill it took to cross the Colorado Rockies by rail.
Kane, Utah

Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument

This rugged area of red rocks and arches is often considered one of the most beautiful places on Earth.
Anaconda, Montana

Washoe Theater

This tiny movie theater was the last one in the U.S. constructed in the Nuevo Deco architectural style.
Three Forks, Montana

Jim's Horn House

A collection of 16,000 antlers crammed beautifully into a small shed.
Helena, Montana

Cathedral of St. Helena

Modeled after a famous church in Vienna, Austria—but in Helena, Montana.
West Glacier, Montana

Lake McDonald

Spectacular views await visitors to this lake.
Columbia Falls, Montana

Montana Vortex and House of Mystery

A classic mystery spot complete with spots that are said to make you shrink or grow when you stand on them.
Great Falls, Montana

Sip 'n Dip Lounge

"Polynesia on the Plains."
Boulder, Montana

Elkhorn Ghost Town

This off-the-beaten-path abandoned town is a relic of Montana's silver mining boom.
Meagher, Montana

Castle Town Ghost Town

Mining town from the late 1890s, once home to Calamity Jane.
Los Angeles, California

Psychiatry: An Industry of Death Museum

A look into the Church of Scientology's deeply unfavorable view of psychiatry.
San Francisco, California

Seward Street Slides

Bring your own cardboard to the slippery slopes of concrete hidden in a neighborhood park.
San Francisco, California

The Tonga Room

Tiki luxury on Nob Hill.
Joshua Tree, California

World Famous Crochet Museum

An old California photo stand has been turned into a shrine to the cozy art of crochet.
Hyattsville, Maryland

Vanadu Art House

An intricately designed junk art house with four extravagant junk art cars hidden in the suburbs.
Trinidad, Colorado

Ludlow Massacre Site

The scene of one of the darkest moments in American labor history has been left essentially untouched since the tragedy.
Creede, Colorado

Wheeler Geologic Area

This once-popular otherworldly landscape was formed by one of the largest volcanic eruptions in history.
Antonito, Colorado

Cano's Castle

Gleaming self-built castle towers made from beer cans and inspired by "Vitamin Mary Jane."