nana1197hei's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Istanbul, Turkey

Taksim Mosque

One of the newest mosques in a city filled with thousands.
Istanbul, Turkey

Theodosian Wall Stone Ladder

Climb a set of vertiginous stone steps to the top of this impressive ancient edifice.
Istanbul, Turkey

Vedat Tek House

The eclectic home of a leading Turkish architect is a gorgeous piece of eye candy.
Istanbul, Turkey

St. Stephen Bulgarian Iron Church

The most metal church of all time was built in record time because of an international, pious pissing contest.
Istanbul, Turkey

Palace of the Porphyrogenitus

Byzantine emperors ruled, lived, and died in this 13th-century palace-turned-museum.
Istanbul, Turkey

Pierre Loti Hill

Have tea in a cemetery with a dazzling view of Istanbul.
Istanbul, Turkey


Large miniature theme park with 100-plus models.
Constanța, Romania

Constanța Casino

Once an opulent Art Nouveau hotspot, the Constanța Casino is one of Romania's most beautiful abandoned buildings.
Varna, Bulgaria

Retro Museum

The Grand Mall in Varna hosts one of the biggest collections of Soviet-era paraphernalia in Bulgaria.
Provadia, Bulgaria

Rock Monastery of Shashkunite

Crossing a suspension bridge above a forest is the only way to reach this 12th-century monastery.
Rilski manastir, Bulgaria

Rila Monastery

This historic black and white monastery is one of Bulgaria's architectural jewels.
Pernik, Bulgaria

Surva Carnival at Pernik

Founded in the 4th-century, the town of Pernik plays host to the Surva Carnival⁠—a magnificent display of masked Kukeri dancers.
Pernik, Bulgaria

Underground Mining Museum

One of the largest mines in Bulgaria is now home to a vast museum more than 100 feet underground.
Sofia, Bulgaria

The Largo

Sofia's legislative center is continuously reinventing itself.
Sofia, Bulgaria

DZI Sofia Center

This building has two facades of clashing architectural designs.
Sofia, Bulgaria

The Necropolis of St. Sophia Church

Underneath this Byzantinian church lies a necropolis filled with ancient tombs and the ruins of previous churches.
Sofia, Bulgaria

Alexander Nevsky Cathedral

A striking symbol of the Bulgarian capital.
Sofia, Bulgaria

Raketa Rakia

Eastern Bloc nostalgia, anybody?
Sofia, Bulgaria

National Palace of Culture

A vast Communist-era exhibition space in the Bulgarian capital.
Sofia, Bulgaria

Monument to the Soviet Army

A Bulgarian monument to Russia's role in World War II is constantly being painted in pop culture protest.
Sofia, Bulgaria

Museum of Socialist Art

A collection of art from Bulgaria's time as a communist state.
Sofia, Bulgaria

The Snail House

A flamboyant five-story building in Bulgaria resembles a crawling snail.
Kazichene, Bulgaria

Royal Station Kazichene

The Bulgarian royal family exclusively used this ornate, now-abandoned train station.
Bucharest, Romania

Politehnica Metro Station

This metro station doubles as an unintentional paleontology museum.