naturedude's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places added to Newport Beach, California
Places edited in Lahaina, Hawaii
Places edited in Newport Beach, California
Places edited in Escondido, California
Places edited in Taos, New Mexico
Places added to Austin, Texas
Places edited in Madagascar
Places edited in Fredericksburg, Texas
Ketura, Israel

Judean Date Palm Methuselah

This tree was extinct for a thousand years before sprouting again from a 2,000-year-old seed.
Chicago, Illinois

Chicago Stock Exchange Trading Room

Once at the center of U.S. finance, the historic Trading Room was meticulously recreated piece by piece and rebuilt in the Art Institute.
Lombard, Illinois

Lilacia Park

This botanical garden outside Chicago boasts an array of more than 300 varieties of lilacs.
Somerset Center, Michigan

McCourtie Park

This lovely public park has an intriguing past and unique wooden bridges made of concrete.
Amsterdam, Netherlands


This 1920s Amsterdam neighborhood was built as a giant experiment in concrete construction.
Narsarsuaq, Greenland

Arboretum Groenlandicum

An experimental forest at the foreground of arboreal science is also the canary in the coal mine for climate change.
Milan, Italy

Albergo Diurno Venezia

Long-abandoned art nouveau baths beneath Milan's Piazza Oberdan.
Highland, Scotland

Ben Nevis

The highest peak in the United Kingdom has a history of physics, specters, and a pilgrimage of strange objects.
Jacksonville, Florida

Treaty Oak

This ancient octopus-like tree was saved from destruction thanks to shady reporting.
San Francisco, California

'Wood Line'

Get lost in this haunting fairytale art walk through a man-made eucalyptus grove.
Panjin Shi, China

Red Beach

A part of the world's largest marsh seems to be growing bright red Martian grass.
Morondava, Madagascar

Avenue of the Baobabs

The centuries-old trees lining both sides of this dirt road may become Madagascar's first natural monument.
Hilton Head Island, South Carolina

Gullah Heritage Trail

The language and heritage of a nearly forgotten culture can still be explored in this Southern enclave.
Chicago, Illinois

Bubbly Creek

This cheerfully-named branch of the Chicago River is the fetid result of years of blood, entrails, and meatpacking waste.
Austin, Texas

HOPE Outdoor Gallery

permanently closed
This failed condo development was reborn as a street art hub.
Halifax, Nova Scotia

Sable Island

This crescent-shaped sliver of sand is a magical haven for a herd of feral horses.
Lupșa, Romania

Geamana, Romania

Even drowned in an ocean of toxic waste, the remnants of this Romanian village stand tall.
Lahaina, Hawaii

Lahaina Banyan Tree

Take shelter from Hawai'i's tropical heat under the massive canopy of largest Banyan tree on the island.
Sacramento, California

Monkey Puzzle Tree

Puzzling...this tree looks like an assemblage of dismembered monkey limbs.
Barnwell, South Carolina

Barnwell Sundial

The only free-standing, vertical sundial in the US was keeping standard time before it was even invented.
Escondido, California

Elfin Forest

This dark, quiet forest on the outskirts of San Diego is dense with rumor and lore.
Palermo, Italy

Capuchin Monastery Catacombs

Thousands of well-dressed mummies below a monastery.
Los Angeles, California

Los Angeles Zoo Botanical Gardens

The L.A. Zoo has a secret garden of rare bootleg cycads, a palm specimen dating back 280 million years.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Theater Tuschinski

A beautifully eclectic mix of architectural styles.