Oergelin's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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London, England

Sir John Soane's Museum

A cluttered and astounding collection of antiquities and curiosities.
Benalmádena, Spain

Castillo Monumento Colomares

A New York–based physician returned home to Spain to build his own elaborate monument to Christopher Columbus.
Dubrovnik, Croatia

Old Town Walls Basketball Courts

Picturesque basketball courts sheltered by historical defensive walls and with an enviable sea view.
Dubrovnik, Croatia

Dubrovnik Cathedral Treasury (Riznica Katedrale)

A wunderkammer of gold and silver reliquaries and ancient saintly bones.
Dubrovnik, Croatia

The Relic of St. Silvan

A full figure 4th century incorruptible saint lies in a glass coffin in Croatia.
Dubrovnik, Croatia

Orlando's Column in Dubrovnik

An ancient knight and a symbol of the city's freedom.
Dubrovnik, Croatia

Daksa Island

This Croatian island is for sale but no one is buying due to the dozens of accused Nazi sympathizers who were massacred there after WWII.
Studenci, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Kravice Waterfalls

There's a mini version of Iguazu Falls hidden in the Balkans, and it's got a rope swing.
Malo Grablje, Croatia

Abandoned Village of Malo Grablje

This deserted town in the hills of Croatia’s "party island" may have a scandalous connection to King Henry VIII.
Vis, Croatia

Vis Island

Formerly Yugoslavia's "forbidden island," this sleepy little city still holds the abandoned remains of military strongholds.
Komiža, Croatia

Blue Cave of Bisevo

An ethereal glowing blue ocean cave in Croatia.
Split, Croatia

UNESCO-Protected SPAR Supermarket

When a supermarket opened up shop within a medieval building it became protected by UNESCO on a technicality.
Split, Croatia

Crkva Sv. Martina (St. Martin's Church)

Split's smallest church, and one of its oldest, has been reconstructed inside the city's Roman walls.
Šibenik, Croatia

St. Nicholas Fortress

Large, airy hallways hide within an impenetrable fortress that beckons urban explorers.
Šibenik, Croatia

Sea Tunnel at St. Anthony’s Canal

This unique structure allowed boats to bypass underwater mine barriers in the channel to enter the harbor.
Brištane, Croatia

Visovac Monastery

This picturesque medieval monastery guards a small trove of historic treasures.
Plitvička Jezera, Croatia

Plitvice Lakes

A chain of 16 wondrous lakes formed as a result of the gradual dissolution of soluble layers of bedrock.
Jablanac, Croatia

Jablanac Shipwreck

The remains of a sunken military ship wreck visible through clear water.
Malinska, Croatia

Abandoned Haludovo Palace Hotel

This truly palatial work of Communist-era architecture now sits crumbling on a Croatian beach.
Rijeka, Croatia

Torpedo Launch Station

Now abandoned, the world's first torpedo factory is crumbling into the sea.
Hambye, France

Hambye Abbey

This 12th century, partially destroyed, abbey has had several owners and was seized during the French Revolution.
Saint-Malo, France

Quelmer Boat Graveyard

Old vessels have been transformed into artistic canvases in this unusual cemetery.
Saint-Malo, France

The Maison du Québec

In France, a medieval-style home pays homage to an intrepid explorer who discovered Québec.
Mont Saint-Michel, France

Mont Saint-Michel

This 1,300 year old monastery built atop a single rock was once only accessible depending on the whims of the tide.