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Places visited in Canoa, Ecuador
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Cervantes, Australia

The Pinnacles

Alien rock formations grown from the sands of an Australian national park.
Port Campbell, Australia

Loch Ard Gorge

A clear example of the process of erosion in action.
Freycinet, Australia

Wineglass Bay

One of the best beaches in the entire world.
Royal National Park, Australia

Wedding Cake Rock

A sparkling sandstone cliffside that's worth a visit while it still exists.
Arumpo, Australia

Mungo National Park

Prehistoric park filled with the fossils of dozens of extinct species including Australian megafauna.
Sydney, Australia

Wendy's Secret Garden

Built over an abandoned train yard, this hidden gem is full of winding paths and offers gorgeous views of Sydney Harbour.
Kaputar, Australia

Giant Pink Slugs of Mount Kaputar

The unique ecosystem atop an Australian mountain is home to some colorful inhabitants.
Shoreham, Australia

Ashcombe Maze

Australia's largest traditional hedge maze features a Great Gnome Hunt.
Tasman Island, Australia

Cape Pillar Sea Cliffs

The tallest sea cliffs on the Southern Hemisphere are a climber's worst nightmare.
Fraser Island, Australia

Lake McKenzie / Boorangoora

The only pollutant in the clear blue water is sunscreen.
Katoomba, Australia

The Giant Stairway

A massive stairway that almost wasn't leads to one of Australia's most scenic vistas.
East Warburton, Australia

Redwood Forest Tree Art

Woven tree art gives this towering Australian woodland a touch of mystical whimsy.
Hyden, Australia

Wave Rock

This gracefully curving formation looks like a massive wave that was suddenly turned to stone.
Raymond Island, Australia

Gippsland Lakes Bioluminescence

Australian Lake set aglow by Noctiluca Scintillans.
Helensburgh, Australia

Glowworm Tunnel

An abandoned railroad tunnel is now filled with bioluminescent bugs.

Lake Hillier

An Australian lake whose pink hue defies scientific explanation.
Coolin, Idaho

Lionhead Natural Water Slides

Natural rock water slides hidden in the remote forests of northern Idaho.
Island Park, Idaho

Yellowstone's Zone of Death

A legal loophole makes it possible to get away with murder within this 50-square-mile section of Yellowstone.
Boise, Idaho

The Black Cliffs

These black pillars of volcanic basalt seem to call mountain climbers with an unbreakable siren song.
Arco, Idaho

Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve

Home to the deepest rift anywhere on Earth.
Lexington, Oregon

The Duplicative Forest

Remember that scene in the Matrix, when Neo is in the big white room with all the weapons flying by? Well, this is what it would look like if he had wanted trees instead of guns.
Portland, Oregon

Woodstock Mystery Hole

Beyond being incredibly fun, not much can be said about the Hole with certitude.
New Princeton, Oregon

Alvord Desert

At the base of Steens Mountain resides an otherworldly desert.
Redmond, Oregon

Redmond Caves

A sprawling cave network created by a lone lava tube.