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Places visited in Bayeux, France
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Kato Kastania, Greece

Kastania Cave

This remarkable cave was discovered after a shepherd watched bees enter and exit through a small fissure.
Kalabaka, Greece


Monasteries on rock pillars, once accessible only by frayed ropes.

The Oracle of Delphi

The hallucinogenic center of the ancient world.


A spectacular cave and a beguiling lake.
Zakinthos, Greece

Navagio Beach

Hidden in a secluded Greek cove is a pristine beach marred only by the rusting smuggler's hulk stranded on its shores.
Sjöbo, Sweden

Lövestad Carved Statues

Rocks carved with biblical passages in the 1800s.
Borås SV, Sweden

Bockaby Urban Warfare Facility

This abandoned urban warfare facility is a dream come true for airsoft and paintball enthusiasts.
Växjö, Sweden

Växjö Echo Tower

The dome-shaped reservoir of this old water tower produces unique acoustic effects.
Åkraberg, Sweden

Borrås Skåra

Walking through this narrow gorge will make you feel like you've fallen into a fairytale landscape.
Ekerö, Sweden

Drottningholms Slottsteater

18th century opera in its original splendor.
Kvarntorp, Sweden

A Pile of Art

An eclectic sculpture park rises atop a giant pile of ashes in Sweden.

On the Way

Enigmatic bug-like sculptures mystify drivers along a Swedish highway.
Årjäng SV, Sweden

Båstnäs Car Cemetery

This Swedish automobile graveyard is a beautiful gallery of decay, but woe be to any who would steal a souvenir.
Säter, Sweden

Säter Museum of Mental Health

A museum dedicated to the history of psychiatric treatment featuring a gallery of art made by patients.
Tingsryd SV, Sweden

Kyrkö Car Cemetery

A peat bog in southern Sweden provides a cozy and photogenic home for junked Volvos, Saabs, and the occasional American muscle car.
Stockholm, Sweden

'The Battle of Gotland 1361' Exhibit

This grisly exhibit houses skeletons and weapons from a devastating 14th-century clash.
Varberg, Sweden

Bexell's Talking Stones

Hundreds of mossy stones engraved with bits of philosophy, literature and random musings.
Stockholm, Sweden

Ytterby Mine

The single richest source of elemental discoveries in the world.
Höganäs, Sweden

Nimis in Ladonia

Micro-nation based around a nine-story high illegally built tower.
Stockholm, Sweden

Nobels spränggropar (Nobel's Blasting Bunkers)

The remains of Alfred Nobel's first nitroglycerine factory can still be found on the shores of a Swedish bay.
Borgholm, Sweden

Trollskogen (The Troll Forest)

Crooked windswept pines give this old forest an enchanted and magical look.
Stockholm, Sweden

R1 Nuclear Reactor

Sweden's first nuclear reactor, R1, can be visited 25 meters underground.
Stockholm, Sweden

Stockholm Metro Art Gallery

Stockholm's decidedly unique public transit system has doubled as the world's longest art gallery for decades.
Parikkala, Finland

Veijo Rönkkönen Sculpture Garden

Collection of nearly 500 concrete figures sculpted by the late Veijo Rönkkönen.