regoldberg's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Newbury, New Hampshire

Chicken Farmer Rock

A strange, heartwarming, decades-old declaration of love on a New Hampshire roadside.
Exeter, New Hampshire

Exeter UFO Festival

Annual celebration commemorating the 1965 sighting of strange lights in the town.
Cripple Creek, Colorado

Vindicator Valley Trail

This Colorado hiking trail provides a small gold mine of abandoned gold mines.
Bellville, Texas

Newman's Castle

A medieval castle in the middle of rural Texas.
Baltimore, Maryland

Papermoon Diner

This beloved Baltimore spot features caged dolls, a giant Pez collection, and many, many mannequins.
Bryson City, North Carolina


The highest point in Tennessee is said to be home to the chief of all bears.
New York, New York

Holiday Nostalgia Train

During the holidays, a vintage subway train whisks New Yorkers back in time.
Beech Mountain, North Carolina

Land of Oz Theme Park

A former Oz-themed attraction that has fallen into disrepair, but still holds some of the original magic.
Columbus, Ohio

Gates of Hell

The entrance to this sinisterly named tunnel hides behind a Tim Hortons.
Wilmington, North Carolina

Museum of the Bizarre

A curious collection of oddities including a lock of Alexander Hamilton's hair and Harry Houdini's ouija board.
Mt. Jewett, Pennsylvania

Kinzua Bridge

Once the "Eighth Wonder of the World," this iron railroad bridge was decimated by a tornado.
Houston, Texas

The Hobbit Café

A taste of Middle Earth, in the middle of the Bayou City.
Point Pleasant, West Virginia

Mothman Museum

A small storefront museum explores the history and myth of West Virginia's famous urban legend.
Salem, Massachusetts

The Satanic Temple

The headquarters in Salem doubles as an occult art gallery.
Onsted, Michigan

Prehistoric Forest Amusement Park

The remains of an abandoned dinosaur theme park litter the woods just off the highway.
Los Angeles, California

Heritage Square Museum

Beautiful Victorian buildings from L.A.'s forgotten architectural past.
San Diego, California

San Diego Museum of Us

An extraordinarily ornate museum in San Diego holds wondrous anthropological treasures.
Hinckley, Ohio

Worden's Ledges

Faces carved into the cliffs create an otherworldly walking trail.
Cameron, West Virginia

Archive of the Afterlife

The museum calls itself the "National Museum of the Paranormal" and is full of eerie oddities.
Lee Vining, California

Mono Lake

Aqueducts have dramatically changed this old lake, now home to tufa towers and its very own species of tiny brine shrimp.
Boston, Massachusetts

Museum of Bad Art

Museum dedicated to awful artwork.
Hallandale Beach, Florida

Pegasus and Dragon

The behemoth beasts engaged in an epic battle is the second-tallest statue in the contiguous United States.
Chattanooga, Tennessee

Raccoon Mountain Caverns

More than five miles of underground passageways.
White Post, Virginia


Outsider art meets paleontology at this roadside reptile repository.