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Places visited in Waddesdon, England
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Beijing, China

Chairman Mao Memorial Hall

The embalmed remains of the communist leader lie within a custom crystal coffin.
Morecambe, England

Eric Morecambe Statue

Dedicated to the legendary comedian Eric Morecambe depicting his iconic "Bring Me Sunshine" stance.
Shanghai, China

Oriental Pearl Tower

The once highest point in China blends symbolic design with a kick of adrenaline.
Aberdyfi, Wales

Aberdovey Time and Tide Bell

According to legend, this bell once belonged to a kingdom now lost beneath the waves.
Bristol, England

Nipper, the Listening Dog

A miniature replica of the canine that became the logo for a large recording company.
Beijing, China

The Forbidden City

The most famous location in China was home to whole dynasties worth of imperial rulers.
Ivinghoe, England

The Pitstone Windmill

This windmill is believed to be the oldest in the British Isles.
Bristol, England

Replica of the Matthew

An authentic, seaworthy replica of the ship that sailed to Newfoundland in 1497.
Glasgow, Scotland

The Tenement House

This museum offers a glimpse into early 20th-century Glasgow life.
Annecy, France

Palais de l’Île

A fortified palace in the shape of a ship on the Thiou river.
Lavenham, England

Suffolk's Pink and Crooked Houses

The historic villages and towns of Suffolk are filled with wonky wooden beam houses painted an unusual shade of pink. Unknown to many though, this sweet shade has a bloody history.
Angers, France

La Maison d'Adam (Adam's House)

A medieval house adorned with enigmatic carvings, including one of a man displaying his masculine attributes.
Buckinghamshire, England

Ivinghoe Beacon

Model aircraft soar over 360-degree views of the countryside at the start of England's oldest road.
Saint-Georges-d'Oléron, France

Fort Boyard

Fighting the British and making game shows for over 150 years.
Bayeux, France

Bayeux Tapestry

This enormous "cloth of the conquest" depicts the Norman invasion of England in mind-blowing detail.
Nice, France

St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Cathedral

An Orthodox church built by the Royal Family for the Russian community exiled to the French Riviera.
Carnac, France

Carnac Stones

Hundreds of prehistoric stones, arranged in perfect lines in a French field.
Southwell, England

The Workhouse

In the U.K., a historic workhouse shines a light on the early, harsh treatment of the poor.
Bordeaux, France

Miroir d'eau

The world's largest reflecting pool is just two centimeters deep.
Bristol, England

Lollipop Be-Bop

A plaque claims this artwork outside a children's hospital was used in the 1998 Quidditch World Cup.
Nantes, France

Machines of the Isle of Nantes

Massive puppet-automaton machines created by French artist collective Machines de l’Ile.
Hertfordshire, England

Natural History Museum at Tring

The incredible private taxidermy collection of an eccentric zoologist.
Whitby, England

Bombardment Garden

The recreated ruins of a house designed to memorialize a World War I shelling on the town.
Whipsnade, England

Whipsnade White Lion

This unusual geoglyph was built as a warning so low-flying aircraft wouldn't scare the zoo animals.