tiawilson978's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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This elegant arc of a waterfall marks a religious turning point.
Paris, France

WWII Bunker Under Gare de l'Est

A subterranean shelter remains intact under a busy Paris railway station.
Paris, France

Catacombes de Paris

The vast, legendary catacombs hold secrets much stranger than stacked bones.
Savigny-lès-Beaune, France

Château de Savigny-lès-Beaune

This French chateau is home to the world’s largest private collection of fighter jets.
Asnières-sur-Seine, France

Cemetery of the Dogs

The Cimetière des Chiens et Autres Animaux Domestiques is one of the oldest pet cemeteries in the world.


Iceland's largest lagoon is home to stunning multi-colored icebergs.
Poolesville, Maryland

Seneca Quarry

This ruined quarry once produced the distinctive red sandstone used for construction projects in Washington, D.C.
Baltimore, Maryland

Nuclear Ship Savannah

America's first nuclear-powered merchant ship is now a time warp to the atomic age.
Baltimore, Maryland

Fell's Point Maritime Museum

A collection of artifacts from Maryland's maritime past.
Baltimore, Maryland

Phoenix Shot Tower

Once America's tallest structure, now a Baltimore landmark.
Budapest, Hungary

Vajdahunyad Castle

This Hungarian castle was built out of cardboard and wood until it proved so popular that it got upgraded to stone.
Nuremberg, Germany

Nuremberg Toy Museum

This historic toy museum brings a little whimsy to a city not usually remembered for such things.
Nuremberg, Germany


Nestled on the banks of a river in Nuremberg is a small museum that was once home of the city's official executioner.
Ansbach, Germany

Kaspar Hauser Monument

The "feral child" who appeared in Bavaria in the 19th century remains as much a mystery as his unsolved murder.
Munich, Germany


Daily jousts and dancing barrel makers in Munich's mechanical clock.
Munich, Germany


A stairway to heaven, or to nowhere at all.
Waldsassen, Germany

The Skeletons of Waldsassen Basilica

Skeletons dressed in extravagant 18th century royal costumes cavort in the aisles of this German basilica.
Berlin, Germany


This Berlin island is home to a flock of free-roaming peacocks, as well as a historic ivory folly.
Duisburg, Germany

Tiger & Turtle Magic Mountain

No need to strap in for a "ride" on this walkable roller coaster.
Schonach im Schwarzwald, Germany

World's Largest Cuckoo Clock

A Black Forest cuckoo clock theme park features one timepiece big enough to walk inside.
Berlin, Germany

Wir Waren Nachbarn (We Were Neighbors)

A unique Holocaust memorial tells the personal stories of the Jewish residents exiled from greater Berlin.
Seattle, Washington

Seattle Metropolitan Police Museum

The largest police museum in the western United States displays the evolution of crime-fighting Seattle.
Seattle, Washington

Fremont Solstice Parade

Once a year, thousands of naked cyclists flood the streets of a Seattle neighborhood.
Seattle, Washington

Piece of the Berlin Wall at Cafe Turko

A nondescript Seattle restaurant inherited a piece of European history.