truckersgirl07's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Jackson, Tennessee
Places visited in Brownsville, Tennessee
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Camden, Tennessee

Patsy Cline Crash Site Memorial

An engraved boulder marks the spot where Patsy Cline's life ended in a plane crash.
Trenton, Tennessee

Trenton Teapot Museum

The world's largest collection of porcelain "veilleuses-theiere," or night light teapots, includes four that belonged to Napoleon.
Erin, Tennessee

Rock Quarry Cave

Hiding behind a grocery store is a spectacular cavern carved as part of an old limestone quarry.
Kingston Springs, Tennessee

Montgomery Bell Tunnel

The first full-scale tunnel built in America is short but scenic.
Jackson, Tennessee

Casey Jones Village

This Tennessee museum is dedicated to a tragic railroad hero who inspired the famous ballad that bears his name.
Chattanooga, Tennessee

Walnut Street Bridge

Once decrepit and slated for demolition, now one of the longest pedestrian bridges in the world.
Jackson, Tennessee

International Rock-A-Billy Hall of Fame

An unknown Hall of Fame in Jackson, Tennessee.
Brownsville, Tennessee

Tina Turner Museum

A restored, one-room African-American schoolhouse in the diva's hometown now preserves the legacy of its most famous student.
Brownsville, Tennessee

Billy Tripp's Mindfield

An oversized metal construction of Billy Tripp's moods going through life.
Pinson, Tennessee

Pinson Mounds State Archeological Park

Over a dozen Native American earth mounds dating back over 2,000 years dot this Tennessee archaeological park.
Signal Mountain, Tennessee

Spaceship House

Live long and prosper in Tennessee.
Lookout Mountain, Tennessee

Lookout Mountain Incline Railway

This funicular railway rumbles along for a mile up the nearly vertical face of Chattanooga’s Lookout Mountain.
Memphis, Tennessee

Peabody Hotel Duck March

Every day a troupe of pampered water fowl walk the red carpet to their favorite fountain.
Pikeville, Tennessee

Fall Creek Falls State Park

Labor provided by Great Depression-era programs restored these 25,000 acres in Tennessee.