tsrzad's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Luster, Norway
Places visited in Antigua, Guatemala
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U.S. Navy DC-3 Wreckage

This wrecked airplane has been sitting on a black sand beach since the 1970s.
Höfn, Iceland

Viking Village Film Set

This replica Viking village was created for a film that was never shot and is now open to visitors.


The oldest church in Iceland is one of the few to feature ornate decoration.
Hveragerði, Iceland


Iceland's "Smoky Valley" is a beautiful river that is shrouded in a constant cover of steam clouds.


One of the most remarkable caves in all of Iceland was created by a once raging river of lava.

Kerið Crater Lake

This eye-popping Icelandic crater lake is surrounded by red volcanic rock.


This volcanic cave lake is essentially hard proof that Iceland is the most magical place on Earth.
Grindavík, Iceland

Blue Lagoon

Medicinal spa created with the discharge from a geothermal energy plant.


This scenic Icelandic lava flow is named for a pair of Berserkers who were murdered, according to a famous Saga.

Leiðarendi Lava Tube

A winding, blood-red tunnel of hardened lava navigable by foot.

Bridge Between Continents

Walk in the footsteps of the gods and straddle two tectonic plates.

Thrihnukagigur Volcano

Climb right into the heart of this colorful Iceland volcano.

Krýsuvíkurbjarg (Krýsuvík Cliffs)

The summer tourists on these cliffs are thousands of seabirds.


The most powerful waterfall in all of Europe.
Hólmavík, Iceland

The Museum of Icelandic Sorcery & Witchcraft

Staves, storm-calling, and of course, necropants.
Reykjavik, Iceland

Icelandic Punk Museum

This tiny museum's sizable collection is jammed into a former underground public toilet.
Reykjavik, Iceland

Icelandic Phallological Museum

An encyclopedic collection of mammal penises.
Clinton, Missouri

Tightwad Bank

This small town bank is very aware of its name thank you very much.
Sedalia, Missouri

Bothwell Lodge

This historic cliffside mansion uses a natural cave for air conditioning.
Ridala Parish, Estonia

Ungru Manor

The gutted remains of this Estonian mansion are a monument to a tragic love.
Kansas City, Kansas

Sauer Castle

This Italianate Villa-style castle is pretty to look at, just keep off the private property.
Kansas City, Missouri

Kansas City Library's Community Bookshelf

Community bookshelf of 25-foot-tall book spines.
Kansas City, Missouri

Kansas City Workhouse

This abandoned prison castle has become an imposing gallery of graffiti art.
Key Largo, Florida

Underwater Hotel in Key Largo

Stay in a room with a view... of the bottom of the ocean.