yuliyahol's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Jackson, New Hampshire

Mount Washington

The highest point in the state of New Hampshire, and while unlikely "the worst weather in the world," it sure seems that way to hikers.
Littleton, New Hampshire

Chutters Candy Store

According to the experts at the Guinness World's Record office, this is the longest candy counter in the world.
Rye, New Hampshire

Sunken Forests of Rye

Stumps of an Ice Age forest, visible only at low tide.
Woodstock, New Hampshire

Ice Castles

These towering spires and glowing walls are carefully crafted from hundreds of thousands of icicles.
Lincoln, New Hampshire

The Basin

Even Henry David Thoreau found this glacial pothole irresistible.
Chesterfield, New Hampshire

Madame Sherri's Castle

Ruins of the elaborate house where the enigmatic costume designer threw glamorous parties for New York's theatrical elite.
Addison, Vermont

Crown Point Bridge

Lake Champlain Bridge, the recently demolished and rebuilt bridge where they filmed "What Lies Beneath".
Barnet, Vermont

Harvey's Lake: Home of Jacques Cousteau's First Dive

The place where the great marine explorer first learned to work underwater is not where you'd expect.
Putney, Vermont

Santa's Land

A classic roadside attraction on Vermont's historic Route 5.
Grafton, Vermont

The Nature Museum Feejee Mermaid

Antique gaffe kept in the basement of a small Vermont natural history museum.
South Hero, Vermont

Birdhouse Forest

Driftwood dinosaurs lurk within trees covered in a rainbow array of avian abodes.
Danville, Vermont

The Forgotten Village at Greenbank's Hollow

Industrial ruin decimated this tiny New England company town in a fashion no one saw coming… and even fewer remember today.
Thetford, Vermont


This folk art dinosaur was almost pushed to extinction due to lack of a building permit.
Montpelier, Vermont

Green Mount Cemetery

Beautiful hillside Vermont cemetery with amazing funerary art.
Dorset, Vermont

Freedlyville Quarry

This cavernous abandoned marble mine is popular with ice skaters in the winter.
Graniteville, Vermont

Rock of Ages Granite Quarry

Tour the world's largest deep-hole dimension granite quarry, where you can view the plant where gravestones are made and roll a ball down the outdoor granite bowling alley.
Woodburn, Oregon

Wooden Shoe Tulip Farm

This little slice of the Netherlands in the Pacific Northwest blooms in a rainbow of color each spring.
Jacksonville, Oregon

The Bigfoot Trap

Sasqu(w)atch out!
Bend, Oregon

Bend Blockbuster Video

The world's last remaining store of its kind.
Sisters, Oregon

Clear Lake

The trunks of 3,000 year-old trees lurk beneath the surface of this crystal clear lake in Oregon.

No Name Lake

Unknown to many, this sparkling turquoise lake hides amid Oregon's snowcapped mountains.
Government Camp, Oregon

Mount Hood

Despite a legend that says this highest peak in Oregon was climbed in high heels, scores of people have died on its slopes.
Portland, Oregon

Collins Beach UFO Boat

This abandoned boat sits on a nude beach, is shaped like a UFO, and is covered in graffiti.
Cannon Beach, Oregon

Haystack Rock

A massive sea stack famous for its appearance in The Goonies.