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El Hierro, Spain

El Hierro

This Canary island is a quintessential example of nature’s beauty, and its unbridled fury.
Brihuega, Spain


This enchanting hamlet carved into the rock looks like something straight out of Tolkien's Rivendell.
Verdú, Spain

Estinclells Iberian Site

Archaeological site of Iberian people ruins.
Madrid, Spain

Guanche Mummy of Madrid

This embalmed man is one of the best preserved mummies from the Canary Islands.
Sax, Spain

Colony of Santa Eulalia

An abandoned socialist utopia built in the late 19th century.
Valencia, Spain

La Mascletá

A daily pyrotechnic celebration marks a beloved tradition during Valencia's festival season.
Corbera d'Ebre, Spain

Poble Vell de Corbera d'Ebre (Corbera d'Ebre Old Town)

The ruins of a bombed medieval village memorialize the destruction of the Spanish Civil War.
Puerto de Mazarrón, Spain

Las Salinas of Puerto de Mazarrón

Abandoned tunnels dug for the once-thriving sea salt industry on the coast of southern Spain.
Puerto de Mazarrón, Spain

Erosiones de Bolnuevo

An enchanting landscape of ancient sandstone structures eroded into otherworldly shapes.
Alicante, Spain


A well-restored ancient archaeology site gives a real feel for life during the Roman age.
Pájara, Spain

Villa Winter

Rumors and legends of secret Nazi activities surround this eerily remote island mansion.
Córdoba, Spain

Cross of the Captive

A curious carving hides on a marble column in the Mosque-Cathedral of Córdoba.
Valladolid, Spain

Museo Anatómico

A somewhat mysterious biomedical museum housed inside a Spanish university.
O Rosal, Spain

Mills of Folon and Picon

"Satisfying" is a good way to describe these beautifully aligned rows of Spanish mills.
Alicante, Spain

Hogueras de Alicante (Bonfires of Alicante)

A celebration of solstice followed by a fiery purging of evils.
Cabra del Camp, Spain

Mazinger Z

Super Robot anime statue guards a forgotten suburban development in Tarragona.
Alcolea del Pinar, Spain

Casa de Piedra (Stone House)

An impressive home made of stone, carved more than a century ago.
Castellcir, Spain

Castle Stern - Castell de la Popa

These striking ruins of a castle resemble a ship's stern.
Madrid, Spain

The Tower of the Bones

Part of the medieval watchtower is displayed in an otherwise ordinary parking garage.
Santiago de Compostela, Spain

Shadow Pilgrim

An accidental trick of light casts the perfect shadow of a pilgrim of the Camino de Santiago against the cathedral wall.
Guía, Spain

Cenobio de Valeron

Hundreds of caves once used to store grains and animal feed.
San Martín de la Virgen del Moncayo, Spain

Abandoned Agramonte del Moncayo Tuberculosis Sanatorium

The deserted remains of a luxury hotel turned hospital ward.
Baiona, Spain

J-4 Abandoned Coastal Artillery

This abandoned naval battery stood at the ready as recently as the 1980s.
Huelva, Spain

Grave of the Man Who Never Was

This amended headstone marks the grave of a participant in one of the most successful military deceptions of all time.