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Ravenna, Italy

Arian Baptistry

A medieval, mosaic-lined baptistry built by a heretical Christian sect.
Ravenna, Italy

Baptistery of Neon

Psychoanalyst Carl Jung reported a paranormal experience after visiting this mosaic-lined Roman baptistry.
Ravenna, Italy

Dante's Tomb

Italian poet Dante Alighieri is entombed in this small mausoleum in Ravenna, and his hometown of Florence has never been too happy about it.
Bologna, Italy

Pavillon de l'Esprit Nouveau

A masterpiece of modern architecture that caused quite a stir in Paris, recreated in Bologna half a century later.
Bologna, Italy

Finestrella di Via Piella

A small window on Via Piella offers a lovely and rare peek at Bologna's lost canals.
Bologna, Italy

The Three Arrows

Stuck in the arcade of Casa Isolani are three arrows of mysterious origins.
Bologna, Italy

Anatomical Theatre of the Archiginnasio

In the world's oldest university is a stunning 17th century anatomical theater carved from spruce.
Modena, Italy

San Cataldo Cemetery

This ultra-modern burial building would have stacked the dead like a giant filing cabinet.
Bergamo, Italy

'Living Skeletons Scenes'

Six paintings reminding you that death is integral part of everyday life.
Langhirano, Italy

Museum of Prosciutto di Parma

Ham is serious business at the Prosciutto Museum-Serious, delicious business.
Fontanellato, Italy

The Labirinto della Masone

The world's largest bamboo labyrinth is a living demonstration of the plant’s immense potential.