jnnifermendoza21's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
Alcoy, Spain

Llotja de Sant Jordi

This exhibition space designed to look like the skeleton of a whale is hidden underground.
Manises, Spain

The Ceramics of Manises

Beautiful tiles decorate many of the town's surfaces and stand testimony to its glorious artistic history.
Córdoba, Spain


This Michelin-starred restaurant sheds light on a rare period of cultural and culinary tolerance in Cordoba’s past.
Casar de Cáceres, Spain

Museo del Queso

A cheese discovery made by shepherds became the pride of a region.
Ciudad Rodrigo, Spain

Potty Museum

1,300 chamber pots and their eccentric collector.
Burgos, Spain

Fadrique de Basilea Book Museum

permanently closed
A delightful museum devoted to the history of books.
Rascafría, Spain

Peñalara National Park

A breathtaking and biodiverse wilderness in the mountain setting of Ernest Hemingway's "For Whom the Bell Tolls."
San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Spain

Royal Library of San Lorenzo de El Escorial

This influential Renaissance-era library was once the haunt of kings and monks.
Madrid, Spain

Palacio de Cristal

Madrid's romantically ornate crystal palace has been offering shelter to plants and art for over a century.
Madrid, Spain

Real Jardin Botanico

Over two centuries old and counting, Madrid's massive botanical garden contains one of Europe's only desert environments.
Madrid, Spain

Caja de las Letras

A vault of safe-deposit boxes in an old bank has been repurposed as a time capsule of Hispanic culture.
Stockholm, Sweden

Lappis Scream

Every Tuesday, students let off steam by screaming into the night air.
Stockholm, Sweden

Lost Toys of the Nybohov Funicular

No one knows who's responsible for decorating this tunnel with stuffed animals, but the people love it enough to protest their removal.
Stockholm, Sweden

Love Locks of Västerbron

A former suicide bridge is now accumulating symbols of love instead of a body count.
Stockholm, Sweden

Astrid Lindgrens Hem (Astrid Lindgren's House)

The apartment where Pippi Longstocking came to life.
Stockholm, Sweden

The Anti-Saxophone Sign at SSE

Absolutely no saxophones in the library.
Stockholm, Sweden

Vasa Museum

It houses the remains of a 17th-century version of the Titanic.
Stockholm, Sweden


This unique sculpture is often overlooked by pedestrians.
Stockholm, Sweden

Östermalm Echo Dome

Sound travels strangely in this underground whispering gallery.
Stockholm, Sweden

Mårten Trotzigs Gränd

Stockholm's narrowest alley is barely over two feet wide.
Stockholm, Sweden


Dine on food tied to Viking history and legend at this subterranean Stockholm spot.
Stockholm, Sweden

Hallwylska Museet (Hallwyl Museum)

The 19th-century home of Count and Countess von Hallwyl is now a museum.

Royal Waiting Hall

Although rarely used, there is still a hidden room for the royal family at the Stockholm central station.
Stockholm, Sweden

Bistro Nobel Signed Chairs

Maybe the only restaurant in the world where your seat will be signed by a Nobel laureate.